TEACHER WILL BE HONORED: Mrs. Mary D. Mitchell (right) of East Ann Arbor is pictured above at the job she has done for 30 years - teaching youngsters. Mrs. Mitchell, who teaches third and fourth grade pupils at School No. 1, Pittsfield School District No. 9, will be honored for her 30 years in the teaching profession by the PTA and the Parents' Group of the two Pittsfield District schools at a 7 o'clock banquet Thursday night in the First Methodist Church. She has taught at School No. 1 since 1930. Shown with her are (left to right) Garland J. Cobb, Rosedale Ave., a third grader; Mary Jane Godfrey, Platt Rd., who is in the fourth grade; and Alice May Nodine, Springbrook Ave., a third grader, who watch Jerry J. Orr, Springbrook Ave., as he does a division problem under Mrs. Mitchell's guidance.