
A 'Celebration of Spirit'
The celebration of spirit' held at the Friends Meetinghouse since Monday evening as Peter Blood awaited arrest on draft evasion charges included quiet meditation, discussions and workshops on resistance to conscription, the environmental crisis, and radical faithfulness; worship and singing. A spokesman for the Quakers said although Blood (second from left, foreground) was arrested yesterday and arraigned this morning, the worship will probably continue this evening. Here a group of first arrivals are shown as yesterday afternoon they discussed what should be done when the federal marshals come.
The celebration of spirit' held at the Friends Meetinghouse since Monday evening as Peter Blood awaited arrest on draft evasion charges included quiet meditation, discussions and workshops on resistance to conscription, the environmental crisis, and radical faithfulness; worship and singing. A spokesman for the Quakers said although Blood (second from left, foreground) was arrested yesterday and arraigned this morning, the worship will probably continue this evening. Here a group of first arrivals are shown as yesterday afternoon they discussed what should be done when the federal marshals come.
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