When Frieda Haerer (at the center holding flowers) and her three young children ended their plane trip from Frankfurt, Germany, this morning they found an enthusiastic welcoming group waiting at the Willow Run airport. Two brothers of Mrs. Haerer - Max Aupperle (at the extreme left) of 716 Oakland Ave. and Walter Aupperle (at the far right) of Chelsea - had not seen her for almost 20 years and had never seen the children. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Aupperle of 309 Catherine St. (standing near Mrs. Haerer) had last visited her in Germany in 1934, before the births of two of the children. George A. Wild, jr., of 426 Crest Ave., (beside Max) meet the Haerer family while his Army unit was stationed in Germany. The three children who formed such an important part of the reunion are Armin, 15, Herwalt, 10, and Arnhild, 7.