New teachers and their assignments are as follows: Mrs. Roberta Ankrey, Mack. Mrs. Florence Breitner, Burns Park. Miss Patricia Carland, Angell. Wolfgang Dozauer, German at Slauson and Forsythe. Mrs. Bernice Epperson, Angell. Miss Suzanne Friedman, special room at Jones, Peri Gagalis, Lakewood. Miss Dorothy Harvey, elementary library. Frederic Karr, social studies and English at Slauson. Mrs. Maxine Murray, Dixboro. Ray Rafford, athletic trainer, Ann Arbor High School. Arthur E. Rogers, Ann Arbor High School. Ulysses T. Sampson, elementary music. Mrs. Donna Sanders, Fritz. Mrs. Barbara Sturm, special education at Dhu Varren School. Mrs. Lois Solomon, elementary art. Mrs. Dorothy Boen, permanent elementary substitute. Mrs. Judith Munro, Meadowview. Mrs. Marilyn Twining, Perry. Mrs. Patricia Wolowitz, Wines. Mrs. Suzanne Volt, Michigan Children's Institute. - Ann Arbor News, September 14, 1961.
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