ANOTHER IN PICTORAL HONOR ROLL: Ann Arbor High's track team, by winning the Six-A League title here last week, joins the list of city prep champions. Shown here are (left to right, front row) Bob Hoffmeyer, Jim Dixon, Dick Dieterle, Lavell Moore, Aksi Kikut, Steve Lowe, Willie Haywood, Dempsey Taylor, Terry Johnson, Gary Kniffen, Eugene Washington and Herb Williams; (second row) Elmer Fournier, Bob Lennox, Frank Willis, Doug Hamilton, Jesse Campbell, Mike Staebler, Tom Rowe, Dave Claggett, Howie Lippert and Fred Hunt; (third row) Jim Stentzel, Brian Westfield, Bern Porche, Jack Rollins, George Edson, Bill Sakai and Mike Levin; (fourth row) Wilson Trice, Rick Mueller, Carl Allen, Bob Spaly, Wayne Myers and Coach Tim Ryan; (fifth row) Gerry Torsch, Gary Krause, Ken Vaitkus, Dale Cunningham and Charles Thomas. Meeting last night, the Pioneer thinclads elected Taylor and Kikut as co-captains for next season. Missing from the picture is Ryan's assistant, Coach Don McEwen.
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