TRACK CHAMPIONS: Joining The News' Pictorial Honor Roll of Champions today is the St. Thomas High track team, undefeated titlists of the West Side Division in the Detroit Catholic League setup. In the bottom row, left to right, are Coach Leo Wagner, Dick Deighton, Frank Ross, Tom O'Brien, Wayne Vuolo, Doug Lirette, John Hamilton, Dennis Teeter, Mike Bangert, Jack Hall, Fred Crudder and Brian McMahon. In the top row, left to right, are Jim Carr, Dave McKenzie, Tom Dyer, Tony Rutz, Tony Wiench, Jerry Lirette, Joe Krasny, Bill Tarrier, Dave Rohr, Don Canham, Rick Johnson, Mike Wenzel and Mike Havie. Don Moray and Sonny Hufano were not present when the photo was made.
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