
Waiting For A Good Ann Arbor Neighbor
We all are good neighbors in Ann Arbor and this appealing little girl who is waiting for help from one of the Community Fund agencies will not be disappointed if Ann Arbor's good neighbors get behind the Community Fund campaign. It will begin with dinner at the Michigan Union next Tuesday night.
Ann Arbor residents are known for their willingness to lend a helping hand and the agencies which are united under the Community fund banner are thoroughly capable in solving the problems of the less fortunate. These agencies include the Family Welfare Bureau, Michigan Children's Aid Society, Social Service Exchange, Dunbar Community center, Maternal Health clinic, Old Ladies Home, Boy Scout council, Public Health Nurses, Salvation Army, Young Men's Christian association and Young Women's Christian association. So be a Good Neighbor.
We all are good neighbors in Ann Arbor and this appealing little girl who is waiting for help from one of the Community Fund agencies will not be disappointed if Ann Arbor's good neighbors get behind the Community Fund campaign. It will begin with dinner at the Michigan Union next Tuesday night.
Ann Arbor residents are known for their willingness to lend a helping hand and the agencies which are united under the Community fund banner are thoroughly capable in solving the problems of the less fortunate. These agencies include the Family Welfare Bureau, Michigan Children's Aid Society, Social Service Exchange, Dunbar Community center, Maternal Health clinic, Old Ladies Home, Boy Scout council, Public Health Nurses, Salvation Army, Young Men's Christian association and Young Women's Christian association. So be a Good Neighbor.
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