Benefit Performance Of Play Arranged
A benefit performance of "Aaron Slick of Punkin Crick" will be given by the Civic Amateur Theater at 8:15 Saturday night, Jan. 28, in Pattengill auditorium, under the sponsorship of the Phoebe Beal circle of the King's Daughters. The proceeds from this performance, given in response to many requests for repeating the comedy which met with much success when given on Jan. 5, will add to the fund of the circle for service work in Ann Arbor.
The policy of the Civic Amateur Theater is to give benefit performances for local organizations if desired. The play will be directed as before by Mrs. Daniel G. Meikle of E. Huron St. and will be given by the same cast.
The tickets are on sale with the junior group of the circle and the Camp Fire Girls in charge, working with Mrs. Thomas Smith of Ferdon Rd. as ticket chairman. Other committees are headed by Mrs. E. J. Francisco, patrons and patronesses; Mrs. Hudson T. Morton of Bedford Rd., ushers, and Mrs. Julio del Toro of Vinewood Blvd., publicity.