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Pvt. Merle W. Wenk, who was wounded in the North African campaign, arrived late Sunday at the Percy Jones General Hospital, Battle Creek, from Halloran General Hospital, Staten Island, N. Y.

Pvt. Wenk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wenk of 544 Fifth St. was shipped to this country recently from a North African hospital. The 25-year-old soldier was in a group of 92 soldiers, 22 from Michigan, who were sent to the Battle Creek hospital.

Pvt. Wenk was inducted into the infantry, Jan. 13, 1942. After a short period at Fort Custer he was transferred, first to Camp Wolters, Tex., and then to Fort Bragg, N. C., before going overseas.

Prior to his induction, Wenk worked at the West Side Dairy.