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Miss Hilario To Be Bride Of Dr. Soriano

Rafaelita Hilario of Manila. P. I., a graduate student in the University, will he given in marriage by the University president, Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, tomorrow, when she becomes the bride of Dr. Jesus Lianera Soriano of Battle Creek, and she has chosen to keep for the occasion, the dress and bridal customs of the Philippine Islands, the native land of both the bride and bridegroom.

Dr. Ruthven will take the place In the ceremony of the bride's father, Zoilo Hilario, a lawyer, who is a former member of the National Assembly of the Philippines, and who was a technical advisor in the office of President Manuel Quezon before the Japanese occupation of the islands. Dr. Soriano’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emiliano Soriano, of Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija. P. I, also were prominent in their country. The bridegroom took a course In postgraduate medicine in University of Pennsylvania and is a resident physician at Leila Post Montgomery hospital in Battle Creek.

The service uniting the couple will take place at 9 o'clock tomorrow’ morning, in St. Mary’s Catholic Student chapel with Rev. Frank J. McPhiliips officiating. Marjorie Forrestel of E. Stadium Blvd. will be the organist and Charlotte MacMullan of Garden City will be the soloist.

Miss Hilario and her attendants will wear Filipino costumes, the bride's slightly modified, to use stiffened Chantilly lace hand-sewn with seed pearls instead of the native pineapple cloth for the camisa or short jacket with butterfly sleeves. Her maid of honor will be her roommate, Dr. Gloria Cortes of Church St., and the bridesmaid will be Dr. Estefania Aldaba of Washington. D. C. Beth Ann Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Chandler Phillips of Findlay, O., is to be the flower girl and the bride’s train will be carried by Ninita Teodoro, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Donato Teodoro of S. State St. Dr. Leopoldo Toralballa of the University faculty will be best man.

The veil ceremony, a relic of early Catholic customs in lands of the Spanish influence, will be a part of the rites. Dr. and Mrs. W. Carl Rufus of Arlington Blvd are the sponsors of the ceremony, and the veil sponsors are Dr. Aldaba and the usher, Antonio C. Kayanan of Cleveland, O.

A reception will be held In the Michigan League after the wedding. Dr. and Mrs. Rufus will give the rehearsal supper at their home tonight, with Dean Byrl Fox Bacher assisting. Mrs. Esson M. Gale entertained Monday night for the bride, and Dr. Cories and Gloria Manalo invited friends to the International Center last Sunday In honor of Miss Hilario. 

Among the guests coming from away is Mrs. Felissa Baylon of Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss Flor de Lis Santos of Cleveland. O.; Anne Phillips of Weston. O.; Mrs. Carolyn Font of Detroit, and Maj. Benvenuto Dina, who was with the armed forces on Bataan.