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Second Lt. Hollis W. Freeman, jr., has been reported missing in action over Germany since a raid on Nov. 21, according to a communication from the War department received yesterday by his wife, the former Betty Lou Bau, 815 E. Ann St.

Lt. Freeman, who was graduated as a navigator from Ellington Field, Tex., last spring and awarded the rating of flight officer, has been overseas since Aug. 13, serving at an AAF base in England. He was only recently commissioned a second lieutenant.

For his service as navigator of a Flying Fortress, he was recently awarded the Air Medal and several Oak Leaf Clusters. His family believe that he had completed more than 15 missions up to Nov. 21.

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis W. Freeman, 902 Baldwin Ave., he is a graduate of Ann Arbor High School where he was sports editor of the Optimist. He had completed one year's study at the University when he was called to duty with the air force.

In the states he received training at Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; East Lansing; San Antonio, Tex.; Ellington Field, Tex., and Lincoln, Neb., where he was given combat instruction.