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15,598 Books Taken Out During Month
Ann Arbor's Public Library in March had the busiest month in its history, Miss Frances A. Hannum, librarian, reported today.
Patrons took out 15, 598 books in March, the library statistics showed today.
Of that total, 10,453 were adults' books and 5,145 were children's books.
In both groups, almost one-half of the books consisted of non-fiction writings.
Many About Homes
The heaviest demand from adults was for volumes on home decorating, landscaping and gardening. Approximately 800 books on these subjects were drawn from the library.
Children took out about 300 biographies, their most popular reading material.
Heaviest day in the month was March 12 when 595 adults' books and 306 children's books were drawn.
The children's section of the library will be open mornings during the remainder of this week - the spring vacation period.
Hours will be from 9 o'clock in the morning until 12 noon through Saturday. Afternoon and evening hours will be the same as for other weeks - from 1:30 to 5:30 and from 6:30 to 8 o'clock.
The main library is open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock at night every weekday.