Women of the Kenneth Fox Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars are the sponsors of a benefit concert which will be held at 8:15 tomorrow night in the Pattengill Auditorium of Ann Arbor High School.
The semi-classical program includes solo selections, choral group singing and ballet numbers.
A major part of the proceeds from the affair will go to the fund used for auxiliary work for hospitalized veterans at Dearborn, Ypsilanti, Battle Creek and Howell. The remainder will go to the post building fund.
Nearly 100 prominent residents and civic leaders are listed as patrons and patronesses for the concert.
School Orchestra To Play
The program will open with four numbers by the Ann Arbor High School String Orchestra under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Green, director of instrumental music in the Ann Arbor schools.
There also will be songs by Mrs. Geraldine Huey, soprano, of 609 N. Fifth St., and Mrs. Ellen Riopelle, contralto, of 553 S. First St. Both will be accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Virginia Ellis of 105 E. Summit St.
Miss Mary Jean Weber of 1418 W. Huron St., who has studied ballet here and in California, will dance, accompanied on the piano by Miss Phyllis De Kayser.
Piano selections will be presented by Mrs. Julie Ann Harris of Salem.
Several numbers also will be rendered by the Bethel AME choir, accompanied by Mrs. Hattie Jones of 548 Elizabeth St., pianist. The group is under the direction of Mrs. Grace Blake of 504 N. Fifth Ave., wife of the pastor of the church.
Dunbar Center will be represented by the Dunbar Quartet and the Dunbar Girls' Chorus, each of which will present one selection.
Tickets may be purchased at Grinnell's music store or at the S. State St. branch of Wahr's bookstore.