Experts, Students Of Far East Will Hold Parley Here
About 160 experts on and students of the Far East will open a three-day conference on the University campus Wednesday to consider current Asiatic problems as well as phases of Far Eastern history and art.
Guests from universities overseas and foreign embassy officials will speak: at some of the 11 section meetings. Also participating will be representatives from several U. S. government agencies, including the Departments of State, Treasury and Agriculture and the Library of Congress.
The Far Eastern Association, sponsors of the conference, was founded in 1948. Its secretary is Dr. Joseph K. Yamagiwa, chairman of the University's department of Far Eastern Languages and literatures. Exhibit Planned
In connection with the meeting, Far Eastern materials will be displayed in the lobby of the General Library. Japanese pottery, ancient and modern, will be exhibited in the first floor corridor of the College of Architecture and Design.
Four of the participants in the conference will discuss "American Policy in China" on a special broadcast over WUOM, University radio station, at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening.
They are Earl Swisher, director of the Institute of Asiatic Affairs at the University of Colorado; George E. Taylor, director of the Far East department, University of Washington; John K. Fairbank, professor of Far Eastern history at Harvard University; and Esson M. Gale, director of the University's International Center.
The program will be recorded and rebroadcast over WHRV, Ann Arbor, at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Lattimore Not Expected
It was still uncertain today whether Prof. Owen Lattimore of Johns Hopkins University, accused by Senator McCarthy (R), Wis., as a Communist agent, would make his scheduled appearance at the conference to present a paper on Mongol culture.
No word has yet been heard from Prof. Lattimore, who is in Washington to answer McCarthy's charges.