Has Held Post Since 1928; Homer Chance May Be Successor
Miss Frances A. Hannum, chief librarian at the Ann Arbor Public Library for the last 23 years, has submitted a request to be retired Oct. 1, to the Board of Education.
The Board is expected to approve her request tonight. Superintendent Otto W. Haisley has recommended Homer R. Change, assistant librarian here for five years, as her successor.
Miss Hannum took over the library here in 1928, after nine years experience at the Racine, Wis. Public Library.
Native Of Pennsylvania
She began her library work in her native Pottsville, Pa., and was later graduated from the University of Wisconsin library school. She then worked two years at the Newark, N.J., library.
After taking graduate work at the University of California, she went to Racine.
Active in library circles, she is a past-president of the Wisconsin and Michigan Library Associations. She has served on a number of committees in both these groups as well as in the American Library Association.
In Ann Arbor, Miss Hannum is a past president of the Zonta Club, a member of the American Association of University Women, Woman’s Club, Ann Arbor Garden Club, YWCA, Council of Social Agencies and Citizen’s Council executive board.
Served As Adviser
In addition to general library supervision, Miss Hannum has served as technical adviser to the public schools on library problems and on the committee of extended school services.
Supt. Haisley said in a message to the Board of Education, “Miss Hannum is a person who knows business and business procedures beyond most librarians. She has administered the Public Library with dispatch and precision.”
Although she expects to stay in Ann Arbor, her plans for the future are indefinite, she said.
Before Miss Hannum leaves, she hopes to finish moving about 8,000 fiction volumes downstairs into the remodeled teacher’s reference room, next to the children’s room.
Reference Room Slated
An equal number of books for teacher reference only will be moved to Jones School, where a new teacher’s reference room will be established.
Two new librarians will be required to operate the new fiction charging desk, Miss Hannum said.
The shift will help alleviate crowded shelves, she continued. At present, books are housed in inaccessible storerooms in schools around the city.
“We have 500 books back from repairs at the bindery, and no shelf space for them,” she noted.
The new fiction room will be furnished with blonde wood shelves, tables and chairs and fluorescent lighting, she added.
IMAGE TEXT: TO RETIRE: Head of the Ann Arbor Public Library here for 23 years, Miss Frances A. Hannum will retire Oct. 1.