School Board Wants To Study Miss Hannum’s Reasons For Request
The Ann Arbor Board of Education last night deferred action on Miss Frances A. Hannum’s request to be retired as chief librarian of the Ann Arbor Public Library until her reasons can be more fully ascertained.
In a letter to the Board, Miss Hannum stated, “The time has come for me to retire from active duty as librarian of the Ann Arbor Library system. I therefore present my resignation to take effect Oct. 1.”
Miss Hannum is on vacation and could not be reached for comment today.
Ask Consideration
Two “close friends” of Miss Hannum told the Board they had had no indication of her action, and urged the Board to “consider the matter carefully.”
Supt. Otto W. Haisley said Miss Hannum had previously mentioned retiring and that he had urged her to continue, since her ultimate retirement pay would be higher.
Retiring Board President Ashley H. Clague moved that the Board study further the reasons for her resignation.
Clague said today he made the motion “because there seemed to be some conflict of opinion on the reasons for her resignation.” He did not elaborate.
Librarian Since 1928
Miss Hannum has been chief librarian here for 23 years, coming to Ann Arbor after nine years at the Racine, Wis., Public Library.
The years in Wisconsin are not credited under present retirement laws, Supt. Haisley said.
The Board approved 14 new teachers for next year, including two men and 12 women. Eight have been assigned to elementary schools, five to secondary and one placed on general assignment.
New elementary teachers will be Mrs. Betty Hobey and Miss Florence Norris, both of Ann Arbor; Miss Barbara McKee of Muskegon; and Miss Helen Schimkat of Hawaii.
Other elementary teachers will be Mrs. M. Elizabeth Fain and Mrs. Ruth Raymond, both of Flint; Miss Doris Matheny of Kalamazoo; and Mrs. Anna Summers of Fulton, Ariz.
New high school teachers will be Mrs. Betty Boerman of South Haven; Miss Joyce Rainey of Niles; Miss Esther Johnson of Houghton Lake; Mrs. Ruth Spore Perry of Ann Arbor; and John Merrill of Alma.
Ivan L. Russell of Nashville, Ill., is on general assignment.