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William E. Snyder, 68, operator of the Allenel Hotel restaurant for the past two years, died early today at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital following a six-month illness.

Mr. Snyder, in the hotel business most of his life, was associated here with his brother, George W. Snyder, operator of the hotel. Mr. Snyder lived at the hotel.

Mr. Snyder was a member of the Cleveland, O., Masonic Lodge, the Elks Lodge at Tiffin, O., the Medina Shrine Temple in Chicago and the Washtenaw Shrine Club.

He was born July 17, 1886, in Walkerton, Ind., a son of Samuel and Julia Nicholson Snyder. He came to Ann Arbor two years ago from Tiffin.

Surviving besides his brother are two sisters, Mrs. Edward McEntarfer of Waterloo, Ind., and Mrs. Eddie Pearson of Huntington Woods, Mich., and another brother, Carl M. Snyder of New York.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Muehlig Chapel, with Dr. Merrill R. Abbey officiating. Burial will follow in Washtenong Memorial Park.

Masonic graveside services will be held. Friends may call at the funeral home.