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Religious Intern Arrives For One-Year Program

A year’s ministerial intern program at the Memorial Christian Church 'will begin Sunday for Gary Zilm of Elkhart, Ind.

His first sermon at 9 a.m. Sunday will be “Speaking From Experience" and a reception will follow.

Zilm has competed two years of a four-year graduate program leading to a bachelor of divinity degree at the Federated Theological Faculty of the University of Chicago.

He is a member of the first class to enroll in a four-year program. The school previously has operated on a three-year basis.

Sponsors Named

The internship is sponsored by the Memorial Christian Church and the Campus Ministry of the Congregation and Disciples Churches in Ann Arbor. The Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Memorial Christian Church pastor, and the Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Campus minister, will supervise the internship.

Zilm’s time will be divided to include 45 per cent for work in the church, 45 per cent for work in the campus program and 10 per cent for other types of religious work.

The intern program in the church includes worship and preaching, pastoral work, administration, education and teaching, denominational involvement and community and ecumenical relationships.

Internship on the campus includes field trips with the state executive secretary and state director of religious education, attendance at the State Ministers’ Conference, sponsored by the Michigan Council of Churches and the University and attendance at lectures and workshops, sponsored by the U-M and Michigan State University.

In the church, Zilm will assist in Sunday worship services and preach. He will accompany the supervisor in calls to homes and hospitals, and he will attend regular meetings of the church cabinet and board. He also will handle incoming mail to become acquainted with various types of appeals received from community agencies.

Zilm also will work with the Ann Arbor-Washtenaw Council of Churches.

While in Ann Arbor, he will live at the Student Guild House at 524 Thompson St.