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"Ye Old Editor Has His Say"

Sydney P. Cook, 69, veteran Michigan newspaperman and columnist for The Ann Arbor News, died of a heart attack yesterday at his home at 2014 Washtenaw Ave.
Mr. Cook, a member of the Ann Arbor City Council from 1940 to 1944, representing the former Seventh Ward, was the author of a widely read column on The News' editorial page entitled “Ye Old Editor Has His Say.”
In his column, which had attracted attention in journalistic circles because of his unique treatment of a standard newspaper feature, he described events in Ann Arbor of 20 and 40 years ago. A blend of humor good writing and Mr. Cook's knowledge of the community's history made his column one of the outstanding features of the newspaper. A few years ago it was the basis of an article in a national newspaper journal.
After his graduation from Alma College and the Pulitzer School of Journalism at Columbia University, Mr. Cook served for a time on the editorial staffs of the old Detroit Journal and the Detroit News. Later he was in sales, advertising and public relations work, including a period with the Chicago Journal of Commerce, before joining the editorial staff of The Ann Arbor News in 1935 He left The News after two years to enter business. During World War II he was employed at the Ford Bomber Plant at Willow Run and then with U.S. Army Ordnance.
He was in the advertising and printing business for a time after the war and rejoined The News staff in 1949. He retired from The News four years ago but continued his column, which appears daily on page 4.
Mr. Cook was born Feb. 8, 1894, at Ithaca, Mich., a son of Prof. and Mrs. Albert P. Cook. His father was on the faculty of Alma College
He married Carolyn Myers on April 2, 1917, in Owosso, and she survives him. He also is survived by a daughter, Mrs. David Davis of Poland, O.; two sons, John M. of Chagrin Falls, O., and Sydney P. Cook, jr., Birmingham, Mich.; two sisters, Mrs. John H. Collier, Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Carroll C. Hyde, South Bend, Ind.; two brothers, Maynard A. Cook, Evanston, Ill., and Robert H. Cook, Boston, Mass.; Jeight grandchildren.
Another son, Lt. William K. Cook, a bomber pilot, was killed in action over Italy in 1944.
Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at the First | Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Ernest T. Campbell officiating. Cremation will follow. Friends may call at the Muehlig Chapel until noon Tuesday.