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Aside From The Scores

Yost Fieldhouse Will Miss
All-America Cazzie Russell

By Wayne DeNeff

Old Yost Fieldhouse won't ||
be the same after Saturday.

When the last cheers have
faded .away following tomor
row's Michigan • Northwest*
game, Cazzie Russell will have
played his last game there.

No more of the rousing pre-
game dunkers that brings the
'((-ki'lirU fans down to the

i he court to watch in
wonderment and excitement
looking forward to the coming

No more of the Russell exub-
erance, the joyous second jump
when a long shot rips the net,
the leap in the air after a good
play and the pat on the back to
a teammate who has done the

No more of Russell coming
upcourt at half speed, his eyes
fixed straight ahead but encom-
passing all while the dribble
changes from hand to hand and
the defender backtracks at a
'respectful distance.

No more of the blitzing passes
to the open man.

No more of Russell's unre-
strained joy in victory and de-
spondency in defeat.

Winning because that's the
objective of the game and win-
i •"••• :' 'T- ; 'aan, that
. .. .......... eed.

And perhaps It is more than
^coincidence that two of Mich-
'-igan's latest and greatest All-
Americas, quarterback Bob
Timberlake and Russell, had re-
ligion take a hand in shaping
their lives.

Cazzie's mother made sure
that he and his four brothers
and sisters got to church every
Sunday and in Ann Arbor he
Sings baritone in the St. Paulj
Missionary Baptist Choir.

^ Timberlake was influenced by
Dr. Ernest T. Campbell, minis-
ter of the First Presbyterian
Church and the New York Gi-
ants' quarterback now is en-
rolled in Princeton ^ •••'••••• "'.'.

Russell and (tefey been
incompatible at Michigan and
he still shakes his head about
the few times he has been on


[the losing side—only twice in
'three years (31 victories) at
creaky Yost Fieldhouse.

In Portland, Ore., late last
December, Russell was s o m e-
thing like a caged tiger when
M i c h i g a n's losing streak
stretched to three. In the midst
of the Far West Classic, Coach
Dave Strack called a stiff work-

out and Russell was the first at speaks louder than words.
practice. No Michigan basketball play-
He had no answers as to er w!11 wear "33" again. The
what was wrong. He offered no ^V other numbers ever re-
excuses. I! '••»he other Mich- tired at Michigan are in foot-
igan p1a' -il to work on ba11' Tom Harmon's "98". Ben

• :t'd after that Oosterbaan's "47,'' the W i s t-
1:1. ... .,i. empty Memor- erts (Albert. AMn and Fran-

•Joleseum where the Wolver- cis), "n" .and Ron Kramer's
-•.— had been erased the pre-;"87"' '
vious March in the din of
UCLA'S band and screaming

Cage Scores

' \Volverines won their
next eight games, got out in
front in the Big Ten race and
there they still ride today with
two big games still to be|
played—Northwestern tomorrow
and Michigan State on Monday.

"You play as hard as you
know how. Anybody who gives
it less isn't doing himself or
anybody else much good ..."
said Russell out on the coast.

And Russell has a philosophy,
too, that has helped him keep
a cool head in the heat of bat-
tle. . .„ ,„

"Sure, I get a physical work-jbara 75
ing over from opponents who
are out to stop me," he says.

Thursday's College Basketball Results
By The Associated Press

New York U. 82, Fordham 70
Manhattan 75, St. Francis, N.Y., 64

Western Kentucky 76, Austin Peay 63

Cincinnati 67, Xavier, Ohio, 62
Tulsa 56, Drake 45
Iowa State 79, Missouri 73
Oklahoma City 121, Centenary 90

Southern Methodist 99, Texas Tech 89
Arkansas 94, Texas A&M 71
Wichita 112, North Texas St. 79
Baylor 88, Texas 7)
Texas Christian 93, Rice 86

New Mexico 83, Arizona 69
Wyoming 120, Arizona St. 85
St. Mary's, Calif., 79, UC Santa Bar-

Ati- •• - i conference


- . . . Duke 10:), •'. ' 73
"They'll trv to needle, but What North Carolina 77, Maryland 70
,in r 'ri/i »,->'rotoHoto? Thov want south Carolina 60, Clemson 52

do I do to letanate" iney wani ^ 5,3^ g^ Virginia 77
me to get upset, so I counter NCAA Northeast A

— - , ^» i • CflllfiO** iJiVKlAH

College Division

Assumption 96, Northeastern 69

American International 96, Springfield

by trying to beat them. You do
that by putting the ball in the

l\QcTcp^' ^9

Opponents have failed to rile!94' "Y^"^ ^^ ^^
Russell and neither have the of-j Region'14

ficials. '• Howard Payne 75, cast Texas Baptist

"My theory," Russell has!58 ^g,^ ,

Isaid "is that Officials are Offi- Okla. Baptist 60, Southeastern 58

cials and they're human. Every, Mniersviiie 98RK,fie9d 86
official would like to work a| Region 27

uj.m_i(ii vluulu . . . Athens, Ala., 92, Southwestern Louisi-

game after which both coaches ana 86, overtime

would praise » ;,d why cry "•^r'st'Sd""81

at some call - 'hmk are Tuskegee 83, Miles 73

•KT u ri '-rtn,r>rt tr> nhorttfo Va. Union 100, Arkansas AM&N 98

wrong. Nobody s going to change j^son c. smith u. 8i, Alabama s

Strack long ago gave up try,
ing to explain Russell to rel
porters and questioners.

What do you say when a 6-5'a,
225-pound guard averages 30-
plus points a game, plays the
high post, low post, drives from
outside, hits from outside,
scores along the base line, re-
I bounds with the best and gatk-
•ers up more assists in a game
than some players in a sea-
son? .

Action by the Board m Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics