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By Robert Pfefferkorn swinging and the sacred; finding the door. _ Weekend entertainment, mov' alternate responsibility for the ~ ts on Su; days. _'Crowley of th ichigan' Epis- with_ some risque scenes epor-
A brand”/new bag? Except at'Canterbury`f}{ouse. On one recent cold night, the Ing to the °nnnPnS a ren °,f Sunday Mass. In a =. 'on, the chaplains are copal” D' se said after the §1`aY};n§A Y¢S, Said the hippy, that’s Chaplains Dan' Burnie ==\f1<1“S“n line waited nearly 45 mil” Worlfnig wward a *°*?1t°P“°°P , They have assistants. aided by 1 ~ ' 01`nin ‘Wn : 1 e, at which Jug Band' In t er nierlcan fregm e
genie,-bury House on Maynard Martin 'Bell have built al, place utes to see the New Lost Clty Of _nV1nf5 and Worship In Ed: Reynolds, junior at the has been a part of an er uryl ad Jim Kweekin ended the accompanlment ° ec” lngs
' ~ th t swin s even on Sunda Ramblers the featured enter- Unlvefslfy Werld Were male ’ "t td ‘ E li 11 House for five ears She is e gr - by the,Kwesk1n_ group.
where Marty and Dan g°t a a g y' ~ ' als in movin Cant b r V . mversl Y S u-ymg ng S ’ - y ` - ~ Sefvlee Wltn 3 S0101°ve Sons On 'The Rev- Mr. Burke conduct-
brand new bag. The chaplains moveti their telnefeinat Weekend- - flguse o g er u 5 ho keeps a f1rm_ grip on a technically _called the admxms- guitar, “This is most exciting ed the maes and the Rem Mr.
But isn’t- that -the Episcopal Operation from 218 N- .iviswn When, at 11 P-In-» $01118 Of ' . . nm thread ff’ fe?1nY» anis inenauve “SS‘s“‘”t> but handles It captures the young people, Bell intweriootod a ‘few moments
Student center at the Univer- where the 1`€13X€d» frié A Y b\1tfh°Se Wn0i had enjeyed 0V ef The °Pefaf1°HS are gseefntlau eV- MT- Ben In anditmning menu arrangements as Wen. as means something to them and of' apparently exteinporaneous
sity? “in” atmosphere P1709 “H eX- 1lW0 11 011 I* S“ of 'f00t'St0ff1Pin’ ghe same.” at the Dwlslon ad ' nd booking entertainers and carrying °_“t secretarial dunes' still A A no but seasoned and moving com-
Y ah tremely popular last yenij. blue-grass music were gently NSS' _ V fteno acts as an _entertaining She has seen _a change from Ga e 'lit 136 ment ~ t _ '
Ago they have a bag there? The new location of jgiaotere persuaded to leeveo one young_ The Rev. Mr. Bell (Marty) 1 aster of cerem.on1es. the traditional living room stu-in the dim austere setting of ,During.~¢he- communion Serv-
_IS that some Sort of Sack? bury House is at 330 ynard' Elan ehemuteg, khelt s re ally ;)l;cg1a;‘§§ elfetnleexnelelmeilel if Andy Fiddler, from Episcopal dent f0l1n;f3t10;1] to 11l1€_<{01€tem- the ecoffee, house vylith colored ice, as the two clergymen
,The hippy, sort gf mutteringin the wnter gf the Qémpus SHI' 1 01' e nl »”Wa1‘In p€0- _ - T- nl' _ T heological School, Cambridge, POPHFY <20 98' 01156 In1n1S PY- lights playing on t e stage as passed among the people,
and shaking his head, saun- and even more popular; p1frhWh° are geuigé th’ 1 ggsznlgkgelefggifgss tnetnlefe bnel 9 ass., F113 year-10112 inflerolship, She said, “I approve. I’m for tllieye hai Hide gsht before for Kgeskin _toluietly strornmeud a
tered away down the alley. Down an alley, almostseclud- ey were gree e wi, a so- ° ~ ~ ¢ invo ve in neary a p ases it.” t e eng an , e young peop e so Splrl a in 'a ow lues
Some things don’t mix, like ed, it is a haven but nd; hid- id round of applause and num- The two chaplains, of course I the work. He also emcees at Last Sunday, Canterbury smoéed cigarettes and watched beat( ~
the square and the hippy, cler- den. Yet so m e 600 stiidents erous huzzahs as they ,left and work closely together' with in oimes, helps arrange. supplies added another endorsement. ea ff m. y 1, Afterward in a blues 'love
ics. and coffeehouses, or the each weekend have no ,_ ouble as clappers took their places. formal division ofe duties. The nd, greets church-goers at the Suffragan Bishop Archie H., T e _avant garde movie dealt song he had _written for his
~ -- " - - V - ~ -a - an--~ ' ` ' ' --~“` t " " ' ` ` ` T " T’ wife, Kweskin talked -of
“nivor.”- ~ ' f ' A -
Although it is unfair to' sum '
up or attach' a “meaning” to
; a' very personal' lyric, =it might
be said that Kweskinvvas grate-
@ ful for ihavingebeen lead' into the
` life-river instead of being; left
Wawhins onthe .shnre,~:a disin-
terested, uninvolved spectator.
The night before, -in 'usual
§mustoono» jand, high. boots, he
had looked like a- Russian peas-
ant. imitating Wyatt. Earp.~
On Sunday morning, he' 'was
only a man singing of 'love for
his wife which, as he said, was
as “my love_for_ God, because I I
cannot sewrate themfg ; .
KW€Sk1H and -his Jug ;.Band *
.8 iv <~=.Cf01{i¢1§11'2 tverfermansesl
w en an er ury, Hougge _w»@_.5,,
open for »entertainment;
Saturday and Sunday `nights£-,y 'Q
, The .cover charge ~is,_$1.50,;§gr
person" but that ,includes
itemsfrom a` menu of " »
hot spiced _cider,- f
pretzel sticks and ' '
which the-paid s t-u. reises pass out betvyeépj, _ ` tire, Qj
ses , _ F
= ° 1 _ ‘ , _¥e_j`\} Xsoyfcof e F-

I. ._ "yt 94 i e "
entertainers Magid,-’ o y
noéds bréng __
eC01` In -. _I 'psi' . i qrnblers
Of the Neyélw of 1>ets`S¢egei.;s'aia
and brother T¢e1]j,gt§nding‘_hya_

e , ‘i .ti-¢.1-l'__ ,n0W,~ \1t'iW€’d
55; FYf?¥%l1fn%~f° comeback
0 , ,fee brand ,new hngi’
as ~ , ff .thus that is going on-.
. gil _ ,_ _ _ f e that Spmebne works.
it 'l _ ¢f__;§§hPee1al1y_ prefers doing
e likes it. o _p
Q. an young pe°p1e»f the
e, &lSCOp31 chaplains at Canter-
House havei, that “brand
new bag.” " T i '_
There are no strings. The
Catholic, the Jew, even the vil-
< lage athiest, everyone is. wel-.
come, said the Rev. Mr. Bell.
_ There is a feeling there evenf
if there are no strings.
A student named Matthew,
Helght have been writing of this;
p ace: l =
, “You are the light of the;
World. A city set on a hill can-f
not be hid. Nor do men light ei;
lamp and put it under abushel, ,,"
= but on a stand, and it givesi
light to all in the house.” V `
(Pictures on Page 13) ~' f
I i
The Rev. Daniel Burke
l »»(photo. at left). walks among
fyoung people during a service
Canterbury House, the
r lipiscopal' Student Center at
“ he University. Behind him'
ith guitar is Jim Kweskin,
_'W aders of the Jug Band (photo
T ii lower left as it played the
ight before). The coffee
A use, one of the new ideas
'§» contemporary ministry, is
, fn “unwinding” center f' for
jqdents. ~~»f t On Friday, Satur-E
T f f randy Sunday evenings,"-
` fv upssuch as Kweskin and
S Jug Band play to ‘t coffee-C
ping; d o u g h n u t-eatingn'
‘ j fwds, On Sundays; Chap-<-
j if Burke and Martin Bell C
_at right) hold isome-
y jtgiinique church servicesl ,_
i Qfyeiibury House which also 2
5 services of a psychia- c
l Qfépnsultant,¢epne;1;K; "
'$s,`f;_1jt~ least 'onej;inight=~,ae -
Y. will' soon hey eoipegiq :till *
El iithroughaout the week.i;*‘ _