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Vietnam Moratorium Day demonstrations began generally peacefully today in Ann Arbor and in city streets, on other campuses, in churches and at commuter terminals all across the nation today. In Ann Arbor, several thousand of the University's 32,000 students and more than 2,000 professors - although far from all - toük part in peaceful protests against the war, consisting chiefly of panel discussions. One of the most prominent speakers, economics Prof. Gardner Ackley, until recently U.S. ambassadorto Italy, warned against efforts t o involve universities in politics. He emphasized that ending the Vietnam war would not automatically free a lar ge amount of money for attacking social problems. Americans must be willing to "tax themselves" and to impose limits on development of new military weapons systems if they wish to divert more resources for d o m e s t i c social needs, h-e declared. Participation in the moratorium by the doctors, students, and staff of the U-M Medical Center was spread over the whole hospital complex, and involved rallies, films, teach-insj ble decisión" to withdraw ground combat troops from Vietnam within one year and other forces by the end of 1972. His speech was prepared for the World Affairs Council in Boston. Arthur J. Goldberg, former Supreme Court justice and U.S. amba-ssador to the United Nations, proposed a possible three-point plan for action in Vietnam, including the ordering of all American forces to cease offensive military operations. His speech was prepared for a meeting of lawyers in Washington. Sen. Barry Goldwater, RAriz., 1964 GOP presidential nominee, criticized toda.y's denonstrations, saying they "are playing into the hands of the people whose business it is to kill American fighting men." His speech was prepared for the California Federation of Republican Women in Anaheim, Calif. Lists of Americans killed in Vietnam were read in several places- ranging from the steps of the administration building at Ohio State University in Columi bus to Trinity Church in New I York's Wall Street financial district. Many persons wore the black armbands and small blue and white "Vietnam Moratorium" buttons urged by sponsors of the demonstration. Students handed out moratorium and peace literature at Cambridge's Harvard Square, 'rallying point for a march to Boston Common. A 70-foot banner reading "Peace" was stretched across one street. Economist John K. Galbraith, a professor at Harvard University, told a rally of about 1,000 persons at the Harvard Business school he thought ending the war now would bring the U.S. military establishment under control. Among those listening to Galbraith was George Cabot Lodge, son of Henry Cabot Lodge, chief U.S. peace negotiator in Paris. The younger Lodge is an instructor at the business school. Opposition to the moratorium, surfaced in many areas. Merritt H. Taylor Jr., president of the Philadelphia Suburban Transportation Co., draped his buses and trolleys with U.S. flags to express "a feeling of patriotism." In Washington, clergymen at the National Cathedral offered prayers for peace every hour on the hour. A plan to toll the cathedral bells for five minutes on the hour from 8 a.m. to midnight was abandoned. Jampïïs3ëmónstratious took a variety of forms. Students at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge planted small white crosses on the Reserve Officers Training Corps parade grounds. They the crosses symbolized the nearly 40,00C Americans killed in Vietnam. Overnight vigils were held at several campuses, including 34,000-student Temple University in Philadelphia where 200 students remained sitting at dawn out of 500 who began the demonstration at midnight. By midday, between 700 and 1,000 students had gathered at a daylong vigil. Twenty persons stood before a Vietnam war memorial on the Wyoming University campus in Laramie throughout the night despite three inches of snow and 15-degree temperatures. At the University of Miami in Florida, students finished reading a list of names of war dead at 8 a.m.- nearly 24 hours after they started. About 100 of the school's 16,000 students sat on blankets and listened. At Crowder College, a twoyear, 500-student school in Neosho, Mo., ballots were made available for students to vote support or opposition to administration policy. School officials said the results would be forwarded to President Nixon. Observances generally began I in a low-key manner. There was I a brief flurry of excitement in PortïandTOrwhëaböütOC college-age youths blocked the entrance to the armed forces induction center. A dozen heimet ed pólice clashed with the demonstrators and one man was seized. Most center personnel remained outside. Later, pólice rusehd 30 inductees into the center through a, back door and seized another man in a scuffle. Earlier, in Pittsfield, Mass.,' fire officials found a smouldering pile of draft files near an open file of 1-A registrations at the draft board. Spokesmen said no important records were destroyed. The World Council of Churches appealed from Geneva. to negotiators for both sides in the Paris talks to take fresh steps for an immediate ceasefire. A group calling itself the New York Stockholders for Peace appealed to the Board of Gover-j nors of the New York Stock Ex-I change to halt trading. But trad-l ing went on. About 300 students at Colora-I do State University in Fort Col-I lins marched by candlelightj carrying a flag-draped coffin.l from the campus to downtownl Tuesday night. The widow of the Rev. Dr. I Martin Luther King Jr. was 1 pected to lead thousands ' of ' marchers on a candlelight parade around the White House. Other Moratorium Stories, Pictures On Pages 5, 6, 7, 15 and süent vigils. Starting with a mass meeting at 9 a.m., participants had varied choices of activities. Five teacb-ins, conducted by both staff doctors and medical students, probed the doctoré role in the war, the development of his social conscience, methods of participation, and the history of the Vietnam conflict. A film, "The War Game," played twice to standing-room only audieiices, and black armbands, the symbol of the moratorium, were much in evidence throughout the hospital área. In Hill Auditorium today, some 3,000 students heard economics professor Daniel R. Fusfeld criticize the "militaryindustrial complex" but cali íor change not through violent revolution but through existing democratie processes. The Hill Auditorium discussions were well received by the students, with no dissent being voiced to speakers' positions - except for those students whc advocated "violent revolution" in their questions to speakers. The war protest also took more informal forms here. Ann Arborites wore peace buttons and armbands. Other formal activities were scheduled throughout the day. The Pentagon's civil disturbance command post reported the situation across the country "generally quiet." Opponents of the moratorium countered with their own demonstrations - picket lines, burning headlights and flag raising ceremonies - and verbal denunciation of the moratorium. The national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Raymond A. Gallagher, said, "Every step the marchers take will cost one American life on the battlefield." In New York City, Mayor John V. Lindsay, who proclaimed the day a da.y of observance and had City Hall draped in black and purple mourning, told a crowd of 1,000: "Anyone who says this demonstration is unpatriotic does not know the history of his own nation. This form of dissent is the highest form of patriotism'." As Lindsay had ordered, the flag at pólice headquarters went to half staff at noon. Pólice organizations had opposed the mayor's idea, however, and the flag was back at full staff at noon. There was no official explanation. The flag also flew at full staff at Shea Stadium where the New York Mets met the Baltimore Orioles in the fourth game of the World Series. Outside, youthful demonstrators handed out n.nt.iwar leaflets. In Washington, where I congressional opponents of the I war failed to keep the House in I session all night long, the I ness of government went on I pretty much as usual. ;: Dr. Benjamin Spock, baby I doctor and long-time war critic, I drew a crowd of several I dred, however, to a rally outside I the Office of Economie I tunity. In Cleveland, members of the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra stood near theiF concert hall passing out statements against the war signed by 60 orchestra members. Pounding rains interfered with planned activities in parts. of California. About 100 pickets marched at the entrances to the University of California at Berkeley, with 28,000 students, and only a handful were present at 18,500 student San Francisco State College. At Berkeley, protesters stood in pouring rain and read the names of the state's war dead. Sharply contrasting views were expressed by several congressmen. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, DMass., said the United States should announce "an