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H. C. Curry Day Set

Tuesday May 12, 1970

H. C. Curry, in his sixth year as First Ward City Council representative, will have a day set aside for him May 22.

Mayor Robert J. Harris has designated that date as “H. C. Curry Day” in Ann Arbor. In his proclamation, the mayor said Curry “has continuously voiced the needs of the people and strived to represent all of the citizens.”

Following the April election, Curry was unanimously elected as the mayor pro tem. Harris noted that Curry has served on the Human Relations Commission, the Citizens Recreation Advisory Board, and “his council duties have included service on many and varied committees such as the Building Code Advisory Board, the Special Liquor Committee, and The Elizabeth Dean Committee.

The mayor said, “H. C. Curry has worked for increased opportunities for all people within the halls of government and privately. He is a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He has encouraged black men to continue their efforts for equal rights to employment in the building trades.

“A carpenter, and a staunch union man, Brother Curry has held a variety of posts in local unions and county trades councils. He has organized carpenters and fought for the rights of labor,” Harris’ proclamation states.

Further, the mayor said he joins with “the Black Contractors and Tradesmen Association of Washtenaw County in paying respect to this most worthy citizen.”

Included in the events of the day will be the circulation of a Brochure of Commendation and presentation of a photograph with the request that it be placed in City Hall.

A non-denominational prayer service for brotherly love and unification of all people in Ann Arbor and the county will be held at noon at the First Methodist Church. A testimonial banquet is also planned at 6:30 p.m. in North Campus. Councilmen and county commissioners will participate. The public may obtain tickets by contacting members of the Black Contractors Association.

H. C. CURRY [image]