Youth For Understanding
Former Resident To Head Ensemble
Richard Massmann, associate professor of music at Kent State University and a former music teacher in the Ann Arbor Public Schools, has been appointed conductor of a new String Ensemble of Youth For Understanding.
The String Ensemble will be the latest addition to YFU’s international cultural exchange program in the field of music. It will join the YFU Chorale, now going into its 13th year, the Alumni Chorale and the YFU Wind Ensemble.
Three Ann Arbor high-school students are members of the 20-man String Ensemble. They are Elizabeth Child of 3202 N. Maple Rd.; Shannon Rupp of 1450 Catalina; and Richard Stout of 1736 Covington.
The String Ensemble, Chorales and Wind Ensemble plan a 7-week tour during the summer of 1971, possibly to the Far East. Previously, the group has performed during alternate years in Europe and South America.
YFU is the largest of four international student exchange programs officially recognized by the U.S. State Department. Its major emphasis is on sending high-school students abroad and bringing foreign students to the United States.
The music program is designed to develop under-standing and friendship between countries through the universal language of music.
The specific purpose of the String Ensemble will be to illustrate the various phases of instrumental music programs in U.S. high schools through concerts, workshops and school assemblies. The Wind Ensemble concentrates on presenting works of American band composers, and the YFU Chorale demonstrates the level of achievement of voacal music programs in the U.S.
Massmann, the new String Ensemble conductor, is a graduate of Western Michigan University. He also earned a master’s degree in music from the University of Michigan, where he is currently a doctoral candidate.
Before going to Kent State University, Massmann taught instrumental music in the Ann Arbor Public Schools for 12 years. He also served as concertmaster of the Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra for 10 years, and was director of the Jackson Symphony for 10 years.
Massmann will join Robert Pratt, chairman of the music department at Pioneer High, and Victor Bordo, band director at Pioneer. Pratt has been conducting the.YFU Chorale since 1983. Bordo was j appointed conductor of the Wind Ensemble last summer.
The Chorale members from Ann Arbor scheduled to go on the 1971 tour are Mark Craig, Lynn Eibler, Tom Johnsmiller, Kathy Kitchenmaster, Parker Lapp, Beth Nissen and Leonard Raaf.
The Wind Ensemble has 36 members from Ann Arbor. They are Jeffrey Ash, Michael Bucalo, Clara Davenport, Randal Byrn, Marc Diamond, Claire Campbell, Dave Dillon, Guy Crawford, Paula Hoffrichter, George Granger III, Barbara Holland, Steven Gross, Mark Itabashi, James Harris, Charlyn Johnson, Eric Johnston, Maureen Kelly;
Joseph Kooperman, Clare North, Justin Lee, Deborah Otto, Thomas Lewellen, David Owens, Charles Perraut, Jess Schroeder, J. Curt Pillsbury, Linda Smith, Steven Sebold, Deborah Rebeck, Thomas Rose, Mary Slocum, Charlotte Toshach, Dave Westin, Harold Zald, Douglas Wilson and Patricia Wilson.
Going To Far East?
Rehearsing for Youth For Understanding’s 1971 summer tour, possibly of the Far East, are these YFU members from Ann Arbor and Chorale conductor Robert Pratt. Standing, from left, are Tom Johnsmiller, Kathy Kitchenmaster, Mark Craig, Mark Itabashi and Randy Byrn. Sitting, from left, are Pratt, Lynn Eibler, Patty Wilson, Claire Campbell and Eric Johnston. (Ann Arbor News photo by Jack Stubbs)