Indochina War Called Scandal
"The air war in Indochina is a national scandal. Nazi-style extermination is being conducted in the name of the American people.”
Those strong words were used this morning by University student Arlene A. Griffin as she described her feelings upon returning from the International Conference on Vietnam. in Paris, where she was one of about 1,200 delegates from at least 75 countries.
Miss Griffin, a member of the U-M’s Student Government Council, attended the Paris meeting with financial assistance from the local Peoples Coalition Against the War and from members of the local Inter-Faith Conference for Peace.
She said the most concrete result of the three-day conference, which was condemned by the U.S. government, is a call for a series of local and national anti-war demonstrations during April and May.
Efforts will be made to organize demonstrations at the local level in as many cities as possible on April 15, and again from May 1 to 15, while larger demonstrations are planned in New York City and Los Angeles, she said.
Demonstrations are also being called for on April 1 in Harrisburg, Pa., site of the Berrigan brothers trial on federal conspiracy charges, and in San Jose, Calif., site of Angela Davis’ trial on state conspiracy charges.
She said the demonstrations are intended to take the form of marches, rallies with speakers, and possibly civil disobedience, directed against the way and “complicity in electronic battlefield methods” on the part of various corporations.