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Philadelphia Hospital Duty For Ensign

Ensign Scott P. Sinclair, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Sinclair, 622 Dellwood, was recently assigned to the U.S. Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., after completing courses at the Officer Indoctrination School, Naval Education & Training Center, Newport, R.I.

Sinclair is a 1966 graduate of Pioneer High School and attended the University of Michigan before entering the service in 1967. He completed a four-year tour of duty with the U.S. Air Force, receiving medical courses at Sheppard Air Force Base, Tex. In April, 1974, he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. He received his commission in the U.S. Navy in Detroit in February.

John K. Myer At Florida Base

Airman John Kurt Myer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Myer, 4695 E. North Territorial Rd., is stationed at MacDill AFB, Tampa, Fla., where he is assigned as a vehicle repairman with a unit of the Tactical Air Command.

Myer, a 1974 graduate of Whitmore Lake High School, entered the service last October. He received basic military training at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Tex.

Joseph Hanosh In San Diego

Joseph W. Hanosh Jr., radioman 3/c petty officer, is stationed at San Diego, Calif., where he is receiving intensive training at the IMCO school.

A June 1973 graduate of Pioneer High School, Hanosh entered the U.S. Navy last November, and received basic military training at the U.S. Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill. He completed courses at Radioman School, San Diego.

His parents live at 1356 Ravenwood.

Mark A. Bedolla Gets Tug Boat Duty

Mark A. Bedolla, seaman apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pano Bedolla, 1840 Calvin, has been assigned to tug boat duty at San Diego, Calif.

Bedolla entered the service following graduation from Pioneer High School in January. He received basic military training and courses at the Apprentice Training Boatman School at the U.S. Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill.

Kenneth Swanson Aboard Carrier

Kenneth Swanson, storekeeper 1/c, USN, is aboard the carrier Enterprise which had been operating in the South China Sea evacuating Americans and South Vietnamese from Saigon.

Swanson entered the service in 1954 following graduation from Ann Arbor High School. He received basic military training at the U.S. Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill., and completed courses at Storekeeper School, San Diego, Calif. He has served tours of duty at Camp Bremerton, Washington, two years in Cuba, and two tours in Vietname.

His wife, the former Mei Chu of Taipei, Taiwan, and two children live in Alameda, Calif.

He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henning Swanson, 2740 Packard.