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LWV launches finance drive

Photo: Gloria Frankena, left, LWV finance chairman, shows James Frenza, Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce executive director, a copy of the new edition of 'Your Elected Officials.'

The League of Women Voters of the Ann Arbor Area has opened its 1981 finance drive with the publication of an updated edition of “Your Elected Officials,” a compact directory of the major national, state and local elected office holders.

LWV president Anne Sichel explains, “Many of the calls we receive are questions about who is serving in a particular elected office and how to contact that person. ‘Your Elected Officials’ is a convenient source of answers to such questions. It lists the office holders, their terms of office and tells how to get in touch with each of them.”

The publication of ‘Your Elected Officials’ was financed by contributions from Ann Arbor Bank and Trust, Ann Arbor Trust, First Federal Savings of Detroit, the Greater Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, Great Lakes Federal Savings, Huron Valley National Bank, Michigan Savings and Loan, National Bank and Trust of Ann Arbor and Warner-Lambert Company.

Copies of the free directory will be available at most of the contributing firms, public libraries, government offices and at the LWV office. A copy will also be mailed to all contributors, who will also receive election guides and updated editions of the directory as they are published.

“Over one-third of our annual budget is allocated for voter information services. This year we are asking our members and the community to contribute $8,000 to help support our programs,” says Gloria Frankena, LWV finance chairman.

Providing factual, nonpartisan information to citizens has been the goal of the Ann Arbor League for 47 years. In addition to publishing election guides, providing speakers on ballot proposals and sponsoring candidates’ nights before elections, LWV maintains an office to provide information and publications year round.

Those who wish to contribute to the finance drive may send their checks to the LWV office at 209 S. Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor 48104.