Publisher Bethel AME Church of Ann Arbor Day 8 Month September Year 1957 Download PDF bethel_ame_church-centennial_souvenir_program.pdf Document Image(s) 632 N Fourth Ave 900 John A Woods Dr Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Bethel AME Church Bethel AME Church Choir Churches Black History Black American Community Organizations Black American Businesses National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Powers Cleaners Bullock Cleaners National Barber and Beauty Shop Elks Pratt Lodge 322 Ann Arbor Paint and Body Shop Daisy Chain Temple No. 212 St. Mary's Lodge Blake Realty Company Ann Arbor Women's Federation Golden Rule Friendship Club Naomi Chapter No. 12 - Order of the Eastern Star Al-Ashraf Temple 167 Miller's Radio & TV Midway Lunch Keaton's Recreation Hall Sanford's Shoe Repair New Deal Barbershop Ann Arbor Civic Forum Lucille's Funeral Home Dee's Beauty Salon Stearns Printing Service James A. Aikens Mamie Aikens James W. Anderson Jr. Juanita Anderson Shirley Beckley David A. Blake Sr. Richard D. Blake A. B. Brown J. A. Charleston Gwen Day Samuel J. Eldersveld Rev. A. D. Evans Joseph Gomez Roberta Harris Thomas S. Harrison Walter Harrison James Horne Annie Lee Hunter Charles Johnson Hattie Jones Thelma Jones Edward E. Kelley Melrose Lethcoe Parthenia Parker Lawrence Parks Linda Sue Parks Lyman S. Parks Arthur W. Preston Rev. W. F. Rice Cora A. Rumsey George A. Singleton Richard Skelton Lloyd Tankston Corinne Thompson Kitty Walker Andrew Lee Wilson Rev. John W. Wright Stanley Wright Dolores Preston Turner LOH Faith LOH Faith - Bethel AME