One Magical Recipe Once upon a time there were three friends who lived in the rainforest. The three friends names were Tiffany Tiger, Sally Snow Leopard, and Raindrop Rabbit. The three friends loved to bake with each other more than anything else in the world. One day the friends were exploring deep into the rainforest and found themselves in front of a cave. “Guys, I don’t think we should be exploring here, it’s really creepy!” said Raindrop. “Well it doesn't seem like any living thing has been here for years!” said Tiffany. “Hey! Do you see that faint light coming from the back of the cave?” said Sally, practically jumping. “Let’s go in and explore!” I would it love to find some meat chunks in there!” said Sally. “Ew! How does anyone like meat chunks?” said Raindrop. “ I love to eat meat chunks, they are good!” said Sally. Tiffany was not too happy to see the friends fight and walked into the cave, so Sally and Raindrop followed too. The light started getting brighter and brighter. Then the friends got to a room that looked very old where they saw a glowing book made out of leaves. Tiffany bent down to get it...“Stop we don’t know what it can do!” said Raindrop. “It’s only a book, it’s alright” said Sally. “This is a cave that nobody’s been in for years!” Raindrop scolded. But Tiffany picked up the book anyways and it stopped glowing., “What just happened? “ asked Sally. Tiffany opened the book and the friends found that it was a cookbook. “Wow, this is really cool!“ jumped Sally. Next they walked back to Sally’s house where they looked at the recipes. “Do you  guys know anything called Sun Rise Mangos? “ asked Sally. “Maybe Mrs. Panama, the grocer has the ingredients we need,“ said Tiffany. They ran to Mrs. Panama’s shop to buy the ingredients. “Hi! Mrs. Panama, we’re looking for sun rise mangoes and flour.” “You’re making a magical dish, aren't you?” whispered Mrs. Panama. “I don’t know, but wait how do you know We found a magical recipe book? the surprised friends said together looking at her suspiciously. “My grandma used to make recipes from that book and I only found out after she died.” She handed out the ingredients to the friends so off they went back home. At Sally’s house they started cooking but they were curious as to how Mrs. Panama knew about the magical book especially since her grandma was already dead. The recipe started off where the friends first made a fruit tart. As Raindrop rolled the crust, Tiffany and Sally cut up the fruit. They used strawberries, kiwis, apples, and the magical ingredient- sun rise mangos. Once they had baked the tart crust they filled it with light fluffy cream. Next they added the fruit. “Wait! We forgot to add the sun rise mangos..” roared Tiffany. So they cut up the mangos and arranged the pieces in a nice designs. “That’s so pretty...” Raindrop’s mouth watered. “Look the recipe says when making this dish any wish will be granted, but be careful not every wish is meant to come true.” “That’s a creepy sentence,” said Sally. “What do you think it means?” asked Tiffany. “I don’t know, buts lets find out? They took a sharp clean stick out and cut the fruit tart into pieces. They all took a piece each and put it on plates made out of tropical leaves. “I think we should make the wish after we take the first bite”, said Raindrop. But since she really wanted some carrots right then she wished for it. And all of sudden there were carrots on her plate! “That’s so cool...I’m going to try next!” replied Sally. So in her head she wished for a nice boneless steak and it appeared right in front of her eyes. “My turn now...”, said Tiffany as she saw Sally gobbling up her steak. So inside she wished that she didn’t have to go to school. She really did not like that the teacher always called on her to answer a question. “Where’s the thing you wished for?” asked Raindrop curiously. “Oh, it’s already happened I think, I’ll just have to find out...” replied Tiffany. “What did you wish for?” asked Sally. “I wished that I didn’t have to go to school” said Tiffany. Sally roared so loud that they could hear the birds flying away. “Why did you wish for that?” hopped Raindrop. “I don’t know always know the answer when she asks questions...”, said Tiffany. “So you just wished you didn’t have to go to school but aren’t people going to start asking where you went and what would your parents think?” roared Sally. Tiffany knew she had to take back the wish but how? “What if I eat more of the fruit tart, then maybe my wish will break?” said Tiffany confidently. , “Okay, but you better hurry, something could go wrong real fast...” replied Raindrop. So Tiffany ate one more piece of the fruit tart and wished that she could go to school again. “Did it work?” asked Tiffany impatiently. “I don’t know, I think we're going to have to wait to go to school tomorrow. So the friends said goodbye and went home. Tiffany couldn’t sleep as she was so eager to find out if she could go to school again. The next morning Raindrop, Tiffany, and Sally got dressed really fast so they could see if Tiffany’’s spell had broken. But when they got school they were shocked to find out that Tiffany had been transferred to a different school! The spell didn’t poor Tiffany walked back to her house confused. When she got home she looked at the magical cookbook and went to the “Magical Fruit Tart” page and read the the recipe over and over, then at the bottom it said something that Tiffany hadn’t seen before. It said “What you have wished can be healed, with a more tart you can be saved”. Tiffany didn’t understand at first but then realized that she had to eat more tart to break the spell. So she lapped up the rest of the tart. And sure enough the next day at school when she explained to her teacher that she felt bad when he only picked her to answer the question. The teacher didn’t know that Sally had not studied so she didn’t always know the answer. He had only wanted to include her with everyone else on the subject. So Tiffany promised that she would raise her hand in class more and study daily. She was glad she was back in school. The next day the three friends returned the book back to the cave where they found it and didn’t worry about it for a very long time. THE END!!!