THE JOURNEY TO THE SUN “You! Get over here or I will fire!” one of the “fireman guard”shouted as he point his curly shape weapon that they called gun ,my way. I didn’t have any weapons, and I don’t want to die, so I slowly walked his way. Then he tied a long rope around my blue hand and sent me to a door with iron bars. Anyways, let me introduce myself, my name is DXYN, and I came from planet XO. The planet is completely covered with blue, just like me, and we are Foreyt, we had made a space shuttle that can go into the sun without getting “destroyed”. Our people had sent 20 of us, including me, into the sun to see what’s inside the sun. When our space shuttle was about to land, the power went off, and it got crushed. Only a few of us survived, and I’m one of them. Then we saw a building, so we got inside and were attacked by some “firemen guards ” that lived here,the weirdest thing about these “firemen guards ” is that they only have two arms, it is good to have three arms, but it is the best to have five arms, just like I have. I was able to survive the attack by hiding under a metal door, but here I was , sitting on a bench in what the people here called: jail. “It is hopeless,” I thought as I sighed, feeling pretty sorry for myself. Suddenly, there came a scratching sound from the wall,”ccccccc.” I pressed all my three ears onto the wall and hoed my breath, I could tell that the sound was getting louder and louder, and the object was getting closer and closer, it sounded like digging, fast, really fast, I didn’t know what was coming, so I took a few step back, I could almost hear my heart pounding,and I close all of my five eyes, the thing came out of the wall. My voice is trembling, “”I said, trying to be brave. Then, I heard a familiar voice, “Come on dude, open your eyes, it’s me!” One by one, I slowly opened my eyes“KESH?” I said , not believing what I had saw, now my eyes is filled with tears. “Yes it is me!”he said in a half crying voice, then we both burst into tears as we hugged each other tightly. After we were done hugging each other, we calmed ourselves down. “How did you get here?” I asked KESH in a friendly way. “I was captured too, and I was right next door, I had nothing to do when I heard you coming, the wall was too high so I dug a hole and got here.” KESH said as he point to the big hole he had just made “I’m very glad to see you!” I frowned, but didn’t said anything, “what’s wrong?”KESH asked,”What’s bothering you?” “Oh.... nothing,” I said, looking down,”I just think too much.” “Tell me it,” KESH said as he sat down on the bench, “what's wrong-” before he could finish what he was saying, I heard footsteps coming our way, and I put my hand over his mouth, then, he heard it too. I try to calm myself down, and I gulped. “Where do we go now?” I asked as he pulled my hand down so he could speak. “I’m about to tell you that,”he said as he made a ‘look’ at me and started crawling through the hole he made, and I started crawling too, ”Follow me.” he said. All of a sudden, there was a loud noise, “Alert, Alert! There is a large hole in the jail and one of our criminals is missing!!!” When we got to KESH’s ‘jail’ he showed me a large brick, “Okey?.... Is there anything under there?” I asked, clearly confused. “Yes, indeed,” He said as he lifted the stone up, I peeked inside, and I saw a large room full of tools, “I think it is a hiding place or something, but whatever it is, let’s go in first,” He said as he climbed in, and I followed him and closed the brick, outside, I could hear people talking about what happened to us. We tried to find an exit. BUT the only thing that was in that place is just tools like knives and bows and arrows. there is also a shelf full of books that was written in a different language that just didn’t make any sense to KESH and me. KESH sat down next to a bookshelf and start to sighed really hard ,”Shhhhhhhhhhhh! they are going to hear us-” I said in a loud whisper, but before I could finish talking, there came a loud noise behind KESH. The shelf behind KESH ‘opened’, KESH and I peered through the shelf, there was a door with a sign that read: exit, “YES!” we said together. and we ran to the door. I touched the door with my hands, they trembled, and I stepped backward. The door feels like it hadn’t been touched for years, and I reach out my hand once more. “Oh, come on dude, It’s just an old door! Don’t tell me that you are afraid of it, besides, there is nothing scary in there.” KESH said as he kicked the door really hard,The door fell down, “Told you!” he said , pointing at the inside of the door, not even looking at it. “Hmmmmmm.... You are 50% right, there is something in there, but it's not scary,” I said, grinning. KESH turned back and froze, “Oh. My. God.” he said as he turned back, ‘’Can you believe our luck? it’s a sun defender plane!!” he said, completely shocked. “Indeed,” I said, I was really excited because I had never seen a sun defender plane before, And the only reason that I knew it was a sun defender plane because we had learned it in class, ”We are really lucky, now let’s climb into the plane!” It was so cool inside the sun defender plane, and it looked a lot different than our ones from Planet Xo. “What the heck!” KESH said, “How are you supposed to control this stupid thing? There is only this stupid tablet!” “I think you are supposed to type the place that you want to go on the tablet....” I said as I put my seatbelt on,”Yeap, type planet X on the tablet.” “we are going to reach planet XO in 10,9,8,7....” the announcer said, and the plane shook,”....6,5....” I closed my eyes,”....4,3,2,1.” I opened my eyes, I was in a different world; my lovely little planet, planet Xo! Four days later, I invited KESH to my house,”Guess who we are now?” KESH asked.but before I could answer, he did it for me, “We are heroes!” He said as he waved his arm into the air. “Indeed we are.” I said. The End!