The Stowaway Annika was sitting on the front porch of her house. Her bright blonde bangs were blowing in her face and were covering her sparkling hazel eyes. She was just feeling the same and nothing was happening like it used to every other day. Today she didnÕt have that special vibe that she had every other day from a cool adventure she would always have in her head. But, Annika had to realize she was only 10 years old and that she could not do all that stuff in real life. AnnikaÕs mother came to sit on the porch with Annika and she brought some hot cocoa so they could sit and talk like they always normally did every Saturday like today. ÒYouÕre sister Ariana is going on vacation this weekend.Ó ÒShe is going to Cleveland.Ó Mom said feeling happy for AnnikaÕs older sister. ÒAll the way from West Virginia?Ó Annika asked confused. AnnikaÕs mother didnÕt answer for a little while. Her motherÕs red, long, bangs blew in her face. Annika and her mother didnÕt look alike at all except for that they both had bangs. AnnikaÕs mother said she looked like her father before he left them. ÒAriana wants to visit your father.Ó ÒSheÕs been waiting so long to see her father she loved (and still loves).Ó AnnikaÕs mother said smiling a weak smile. Annika started staring at her feet. ÒI wanna meet my father too.Ó ÒMom can I go to Cleveland with Ariana?Ó Annika said jumping up and down smiling and grinning and just feeling overjoyed for her answer. Her mother sighed and stared Annika in the eyes and Annika could tell that particular stare meant Òno.Ó Annika got frustrated and everything (except for joyful) after she received her answer. Òpl-pl-please?Ó She whined. ÒI-I-I-I never met my fa-Ó AnnikaÕs mother stopped her right there. Ariana was loading her red van with her bags to take to the cruise ship. ÒAnnika, we are going to have to drive your sister Ariana to the cruise.Ó Annika smiled the same weak smile her mother had given her before. ÒWell itÕs getting really cold out burr letÕs go inside!Ó AnnikaÕs mother said hesitating a bit. It really wasnÕt that cold. Annika didnÕt want to fight so she went inside with her mother. Annika lay in her bed with her caramel colored blankets snuggled up around her and her toes were sticking out from the bottom of her blankets. Her toes felt really weird. But, she woke up and saw Ariana tickling her feet! Annika was surprised to her sister tickling her. At the exact same moment Annika opened her eyes Ariana yelled: ÒGet UP Sleepy HEAD TODAY IS MY CRUISE!!!!!!!!!!Ó Annika just sat in bed and tried to ignore the fact that Ariana was yelling in her ears with excitement. Annika could tell how people felt and she knew Ariana was extra excited. Annika finally woke up got dressed, had breakfast, brushed her teeth (for personal hygiene), and brushed her hair. Sooner or later Annika got in her sisterÕs red van. ÒTime to go to the dock.Ó Said mother starting the car. Annika was sitting in the back, Ariana was in the passengerÕs seat, and mother was driving. ÒWeÕre here!Ó Mother shouted as they finally reached the dock. That made Annika want to go to Cleveland so much! ÒI have to use the restroom, iÕll be right back.Ó Annika lied. ÒMe and mother have to go to the restroom also so letÕs all go!Ó Ariana replied (she was not lying at all.) The girls got in the restroom and Annika was out first. She saw ArianaÕs bags lay on a bench and man, was one of those bags big! Annika could fit inside it and she was an average 5Õ foot 10 year old! Annika snuck inside the big bag that was a bright red with pink snowflakes. She lay there and tried not to make any noise. Of course she brought some stuff for her in a small hand size bag with things like her cellphone, her ipad, and a pair of headphones. For her to focus on her mission to get to Cleveland she had to try to research excuses to tell her sister how she got in her suitcase. ÒWhereÕs Annika?Ó Ariana asked mother when they both got out of their stalls. ÒI donÕt know but, she is probably checking it out around here.Ó Mother replied. ÒI mean it is a nice place to explore and you know how much Annika loves to explore new places.Ó ÒWell my cruise ship is going to leave the dock soon, so letÕs go!Ó Ariana said in an excited voice. ÒAlright, iÕll find Annika after we get you on the cruise ship.Ó Mother said. AnnikaÕs plan was working greatly so far. She was getting on the ship and Ariana didnÕt even know. Eventually sheÕll have to jump out of the bag though because she canÕt keep it a her plan a secret forever. She wouldnÕt meet her father if she didnÕt jump out of the bag. The luggage was being loaded and ArianaÕs stuff was second. Annika felt weird being shook around in this weird machine. It took the luggage to ArianaÕs room. Annika jumped out of the bag right before Ariana got to her room. The room was very beautiful. Even Annika had to peek at the sight. The walls were gray, the bedding was dirty pink with white lace trimmings on the edges of the pillowcase and at the end of the blanket. Annika began to think about why she did this. She was missing school tomorrow and that wouldnÕt be good. Then what if Ariana leaves her on the cruise ship? That wouldnÕt be good either. She began to get shy and worried. What if mom is worried about me? Annika thought to herself. That was true her mother was very worried but she was still looking at the dock for Annika. ÒWow this room is beautiful!Ó Ariana said adventurously. This was how Annika got her adventure that she has like sneaking on a cruise ship. Annika still regretted what she did still. Annika was hid in the closet on the cruise ship. She got her cellphone out and looked for more excuses for stowing away and there were some good ones, but they just werenÕt the right kind of excuses for AnnikaÕs mission. Ariana got in bed and sat down, got her laptop, and connected to the internet. Annika thought if she stayed in the closet she wouldnÕt get caught. But of course Ariana wanted to put her laptop away and she spotted the closet. I could put my laptop in there. Ariana thought to herself as she slowly opened the closet door. She did it so slowly like she was giving Annika a chance to make a run for it but she couldnÕt. Ariana finally opened the closet door and was shocked to see Annika! ÒW-W-W-WHAT???Ó Ariana said confused. ÒHOW DID YOU GET H- iÕm not even going to ask that question!Ó Ariana kept saying how she was confused still. Annika didnÕt move, talk, or answer at all. ÒCome on Annika answer me I swear iÕll be telling mom youÕre here this is terrible to do why are you doing this?Ó Ariana asked Annika giving her the stare mom gave her yesterday that meant ÒnoÓ. How can they do that stare? Annika thought to herself. Annika tried to do that stare back but it looked like she was rolling her eyes. ÒAnnika thatÕs it iÕm telling mom donÕt you dare roll your eyes at me!Ó Ariana said getting Annika in trouble even though she knew Annika was trying to do the stare. ÒI was trying to do the stare please, PLEASE IÓM BEGGING YOU donÕt tell mom!Ó Annika whined like a 2 year old. ÒFINALLY you said something!Ó Ariana looked kind of like those guys in movies fighting crime and the boss asks Òwhy arenÕt you talking?Ó ÒAnyway what are you doing here?Ó Ariana asked as she sat down. Annika left the closet and sat down too. ÒI can explain.Ó Annika sighed and explained the whole story. ÒWell....uh.... I wanted to go to Cleveland with you when I found out you were going to see our father and I asked mom if I could go to and she said ÒnoÓ and-.Ó Annika started to cry. Tears were dripping from her face ÒIÕm sorry I ruined your cruise.Ó Annika gulped. She was telling the truth although she was known as a liar. ÒI believe you so you better NOT be lying OR hesitating at all. But since weÕre talking about the fact that youÕre here tell me, how did you get here?Ó Ariana said wanting to know more. ÒWell, I got into your bag and umm.... uhh.... I snuck in there and umm...... got here.........Ó Annika said shyly. Annika was a very shy person. Even though sheÕd love to talk a bunch she just whispered. ÒSo thatÕs why my bag was so heavy!Ó Ariana said finding something out. ÒWell your bag was muy grande!Ó Annika said hoping she would make her sister laugh. In spanish muy grande meant very big. ÒHahahaha.Ó Ariana laughed. ÒWe could talk spanish all day and night.Ó Ariana said showing off a grin. ÒWell, I donÕt know what to do about you not being payed for.Ó Ariana said thinking of something to do. ÒWhen people come in the room snap your fingers and IÕll hide in the closet.Ó Annika smiled happily. ÒGreat idea.Ó Ariana did the same smile. There was a knock on the door. Ariana snapped her fingers and Annika quickly moved into the closet as Ariana opened the door. It wasnÕt someone Ariana or Annika knew. It was a lady with black long bangs and she was looking mad. ÒHi..... May I help you......?Ó Ariana said a little weirded out because she didnÕt know this person. ÒYou-Ó The lady was stopped right there. The captain came and took her away with security. ÒSorry about that lady. She has been bullying people at their doors randomly today.Ó The Captain said apologizing. ÒUmm... ItÕs fine.Ó Ariana said a little confused. ÒSorry for the interruption.Ó The Captain felt like he didnÕt apologize enough. ÒUh-Er youÕve already apologized enough not trying to be rude but you can leave now.Ó Ariana said smiling a little. ÒHey hereÕs a free 12 and under ticket for that interruption.Ó The Captain stared at Annika peeking through the closet and showing her eyes. ÒFor your little friend of yours that is aboard without a ticket.Ó The Captain started to walk away from the door and said: ÒEnjoy!Ó Ariana didnÕt have to worry about a stowaway mermaid in her room anymore. Luckily she got those free tickets. Ariana snapped her fingers loudly so Annika could hear. Annika jumped out of the closet and yelled: Ò!Sopreso!Ó (That meant surprise in Spanish.) ÒGoodness you scared me!Ó Ariana said shocked at Annika for doing that quickly. Ò Hey I thought that would be funny.Ó Annika said giggling a little bit. ÒWhatÕs so funny?Ó Ariana asked. Annika giggled some more. ÒYou can't tell?Ó Annika kept giggling and laughing. ÒWell my plan to make you laugh didnÕt work but to make you scared was an A+Ó Annika said proudly. ÒAnnika!Ó Ariana said. ÒYou scared me!Ó ÒUmm.. That was kind of what I was planning to do now stop saying how much I scared you.Ó Annika had a big long conversation. ÒYeah I donÕt understand half of this conversation but yeah.......Ó Ariana said trying to zone Annika out. Annika always had those moments when she just keeps talking a bunch and then forgets what she says at the end . And she starts to talk really fast talk really fast and always says: ÒNow where was I?Ó (Which she would never say except for in those moments.) ÒAnnika snap out of it your rambling a lot.Ó Ariana tried to zone Annika out again but it didnÕt work. This thing that Annika had was undiagnosed and the doctors didnÕt get what Annika had. Ariana slapped Annika. ÒOww that hurt!Ó Annika screamed being a drama queen. When Annika does that you can tell she is back to normal. ÒYou had a moment againÓ Ariana sighed. ÒGoodness you didnÕt have to hit me!Ó Annika said crossing her arms and letting out a big Òhmph.Ó ÒI tried telling you but you didnÕt zone out.Ó Ariana said trying to make the whole conversation calm. And of course it worked. ÒLand Ho!Ó Yelled The Captain waving a flag around and parking the ship at the docks. ÒWeÕre here Annika.Ó Ariana sighed. ÒHonestly I donÕt want to come here anymore. Stowing away just made the trip feel worse and I want to go home.Ó Annika sighed also. ÒMom canÕt come here all this far so youÕre going to have to stay in Cleveland with me. IÕm less hot headed about you stowing away now, but I am still a little frustrated.Ó Ariana said just as a tall man waved at her and smiled. It was Ariana and AnnikaÕs father. ÒWell, thereÕs our ride.Ó Ariana said partially smiling. The tall man started looking confused seeing a younger person next to Ariana holding her hand. But then the tall man realized it was Annika and got excited. ÒWhy is that weird tall guy making funny looks at me?Ó Annika said confused. Ariana giggled like Annika did earlier. ÒHey whatÕs so funny!!?Ó Annika said still confused. The tall man kept smiling. ÒThatÕs Dad. The dad I was meeting alone.Ó A lady looking familiar to Annika and Ariana remained silent. Just then they realized who was standing next to that tall man. ÒMOM!Ó Annika and Ariana shouted curiously. ÒAnnika we have the next cruise ship to take to get back home. Come here NOW.Ó Annika could tell her mother was NOT happy at all. Annika walked close to her mother. ÒMom!!!!!??? You said that you couldnÕt come back to get Annika!Ó Ariana looked confused but Annika, And the tall man, And their mother didnÕt look confused at all. ÒItÕs like you guys didnÕt even know Annika was gone!Ó Ariana looked at the unconfused people. ÒUgh!!!!!Ó Ariana slapped done her luggage and ran to the restroom. ÒAnnika donÕt stowaway again alright?Ó AnnikaÕs mother looked worried and frustrated at the same time. Annika gave a happy little nod and a small weak smile plastered across her face. She was happy to finally see her mother. She really missed her mother but just didnÕt show it. Later that evening Annika and her mother got a nice dinner at a Chinese restaurant. The time they got home Annika stayed outside on the front porch. Although she was tired she wanted to talk with her mom. ÒI really am sorry I worried you and IÕm sorry for ruining ArianaÕs cruise.Ó Annika said. You could tell by her face she really was sorry and was worried she wouldnÕt be forgiven. ÒI forgive you.Ó AnnikaÕs mother said trying to plaster a weak smile across her face. ÒHowever, youÕre going to have to ask Ariana if she forgives you though.Ó AnnikaÕs mother still tried to do the weak smile but ended up not doing it and it was really awkward. Annika started making funny faces making fun of her mother. ÒWe should probably go in and get some sleep. IÕm exhausted.Ó AnnikaÕs mother let out a yawn. ÒAlright weÕll go inside.Ó Annika smiled and open the red door leading to the kitchen. Annika started talking right when they came in and the first sentence was: ÒI really missed this place. I will never stowaway again.Ó