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Abram Ross the kidnapped negro, returned to this city on Friday last, abont 12 o'clock. His return created quite a sensation. There was an almost universally expressed wish to see him and congratulate him on his return. We are informed that he escaped from the boat at Meredosia while laying at the whart in the night, by means of a case knife, willi which he unf'ustened the look upon the door of his room. The knife was given him to eal with, and was by him retained, unobserved. - We learn that his pursuers, not vet content to relinquish their prey areagain prowling abont the city. It is said that the colored people, alarmed at the temerity and success of these infernal scoundrels, in carrying off Ross, are all armed to the teeth, and prepared to resist unto death any future atempt of the kind. - [Chicago Citizen] Father Mathew. - A paratylic shock tit is now stated, will compel this great Apostle of Temperance to defer yet longer, and perhaps abandon forever, his contemplated visit to the United States. This intelligence will be read witli general and great regret. Another Counterfeit. - The Times cautions the public, on w'hat it considera " sufficient authorify," against counterfeit notes on the Sandusky city bank. The is said, is the same as the counterfeit 3's on the Commercial bank of Cincinnati. Merely the title of the bank is altered. [Pitts Gazette.] A Sad Case. - Lieutenant Tinden, recently convicted ofrobbory and muder in Mexico.and sentenced to be hung.was previous totlie brt-aking out of the War, a resident of SackettV Harbor, where liis young wii'e now live, and where he was married tho evening before leavir.gfortbe South. A gradúate at West Point in 1840. A melancholy case of crime. td& The following notice was handed us by, a colored friend : - We, the people of color, citizens of Battle Creek, came together, Nicholes Edmonds in the Chair, to form some resolutions to contribute to defray the expenses of the law-suit at Detroit as it respects the Crosswhite family -- We pledge ourselves that we are ready, and expect to be ready, to help in all such cases. Liberty or death! NICHOLES EDMONDS, Chairman. Joseph Skiperth, Secretary. Battle Creek, July 5, 1848. From an Extra of the Lafayette [Ia. Journal. " The nomination of Gonoral Tayloris a dis grace to tlie Convention, and an insult to the intelligence and virtue of tho American people. " Mr. Fili.more is a good man, and would have been a thousand times better selectionfor President than General Taylor. " For ourselves, ' tink or swirn, live or die, WE ARE AGAINST THE NOMINATION, MIGHT AND MAIN, HEART AND SOUL." 15 The President of the new Republic of Liberia, J. J. Roberts, with his wife and daughter, arrived at Boston on Friday morning last, in the barque Nehemiah.