Tlio course pursued by John P. Hale wil! always command respect from lionest men pf all parties. Leaving party preferences, they will adhere to principie, and go for the man who has the courage to stand as an advocate for truth. We agree with the opinión exprossed in the following. That there are candidates enough in tho field; to multiply will only weaken ; and where can we find a Ketter man than tho one alluded to above, who ia competent to carry out cvery principie he advocates. A correspondent of the Boston Whig, who signs himself " A Whig f rom the Start," says : " It has been state! in sorae of the papers, that in case the Ohio Wümot Proviso Convention nominated Mr. McLean, or some staunch An'.i-Slavery man, John P. Hale might be induced to resign his candidacy. As that meeting was called by Liberty men and very Whigs indiscriminately, we presume, the Liberty party men wouid be willing to rmike some concessions in the nomination, if some other than Halo, or some other Liberty man were nominated. " But tli i s is a vast and important question, and rises far above all party considerations ; and whoever is agreed upon by the Convenlions alluded to, we hope all may agree upon the same person. We can all sustain our respective party nominations of the State ticket, and suit our respective party or local preferences there ; but when the Presidential question is made to turn on such vastly important issues as Liberty or Slavery, Life or Death, and when the prominent candidatos ;ire both pledged for Slavery and Death, it then becomes incumbent upon the friends of Liberty and the 'oesof Slavery-Extension - Whigs, Democrats nd Liberty party men - '.o assemble together, o as to act in unity for the great occasion. " For our own part, we sce no need for the 'urther multiplication of candidales. Let us ake one alroady up, the first in tho field, hale and etrong in the majesty of his principies and eloquence. Let Conscience Whigs, Wilmot 'roviso Democrats, Liberty men, and all voing opponents of Slavery Extensión generaly, cast their votes iinitedly for the great non oà their cause, John P. Hale, of New Iampshire. I ti unión is strength. Lct no Wliigs in tliis región bo deterred.on the ground hat General Cass will get in :f they do not vote for General Tayloy, ibr Taylor's strength Ães not here. Zacliary will come in inevita)ly with a rush. The Southern and Middle States will do that, and Casa will be ieft to whine in defeat over liis O'.vn abject bowings efore the Slave Power. If we are to have a slavery advocate for President, much better is t to talie an open slaveholder than a dough'ace. There is not the least danger of Cass's election. So, fellow Wliigs, !et us in good courage take that course which will at once satisfy our own consciences, and serve to represent correctly our principies at the ballotoox in the present crisis on the Presidential ]uest:on. Tlien, when oÃd Zachary comes iti, we can give his administra tion the moral forcé of sorae 500, C00 votes for the Anti-Slavery candidate, to influencie him in his actions ; and if his shall be in truth a Whig administrador), so far as he carries out the politieal views of the Whig af the Union, just so far may he be entitled to their confidence after clection ; hut persons who hold the principies oÃ' Liberty to be paramount to party, ought niÃveb to sacrifico their votos, or support a man who is not sound on the all-important qnestion of Slavery. With a popular vote of 500,000 for John P. Hale, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, N. York. and Ohio, might be secured for him, and this result would have a very important effect on tlie future legislation of the country. Where as, by having three or four scattering candidates in opposition to Taylor and Cass, and all fighting amongst thomselves, this good effect might be destroyed. If " Whigs of the Union," or " üemocrats of tlie Union," wish to sail under the Pro-Slavery banner, let all Liberty Whigs and Liberty Democrats come out frorn among them, and let these and all other voLing opponents of slavery combine topether, and pull in the same direction, instead of multiplyiTig candidates, warring amongst themselves, and virtually dcstrovmg their own influence." CP" Marnin Van Buren, in his letter to the Utica Conveniion, endorsed all the seeeders li-id done, signified that he could not vote for Cass or Taylor, and pronounced Slavery a great moral and physical evil. A letter numerously signed, to the Convention, closod in this emphatic vvay : " We want Martin Van Buren for a candidate. The slavc power broke kim down, in 184-1 - tvc iritl breaJc that power dolen in 1848, It secins to me thnt these and Uindivd menu?, ytgommlv dopted and ui-ged by our fnends thiro'out the Peninsular Stuto, cimnot but result in uivnnciiiE; th great principie ot uur cnuso during the pending Pretidential campaieo, nnd secare n vote for II alk and Liborty, which will sond confusión into tho tho rnnks of Pro-SInvory partios, while it Ãiwakens a thrill of joy in tho liemts of the opprossod. U. II. iy Tho above is the closn of n communicntion in our lust number. dntnd Detroit, July 3, a portion ofwbicb was oinitted througli inistake. lzT Hon. A. Felcii, of tho U. S. SÃ;:i;!i, aod Hon. Charles Stkwart, of the Houso ot Representativos, will accept tlinnks fcr public documents received. $3T A Negro andergoing an examinalion at Northampton,. Masaachusetts, when aaked if his master was a Cliristian, raplicil, "No, sir, he'6 a membor of Congress !"
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