Owing to one number of the Bulletin (in which the report was published,) not coming to hand until after our first page was ready for the press, wc are compelled to put this part of the tiial on the inside of the paper. It come after this-" Troutman wanted me to go w'lh him to take tlie slaves, to protect him and keep the peace." Randoll Watroui callcd, on the part of tl"1 plaintiff. Resides in Marshall, kept the National Hotel t. Marshall in January, 1847. Saw Mr. T--outmaii at his House. On the 29th of January, 1847, huard a conversation between Gorham, Huid and Troutman. Thev had some conversation about settling thejr affaire. Troutman propoaed to settlp, and went out and talked wilh his friend. After returning aid he could not settle, and remarked you liave got tlio advantage of me now, and said I am sorry the Crosswliite family have gone as I havo given up ihe idea of taking them, as the pcople seem to tlimk so much of them. Gorham replied we do. Wc considcr them good cilizens and feel it our duty to protect them, but they are probably gone where you will not get them. Trontman said I shall have to come back agnin. Mr. Hurd replied we shall be glad to sec you, but hope you will not come again on the same business. Cross examined.-The talk of a settlement was about settling the Buit against Tro u traan, Lloyd Fitzgerald callcd, on the part of the plaintirF. Resided in Marshall in January, IS 1 7. - Was on the ground a short time in the moniing of January 27th, arrived on the ground noar Crosswhite's between 7 and 10 o'clock. I saw Adam and his wife. Saw his wife leave in a wagon about the time the crowd left. - Wlien I went on the ground thora was nhont 200 people. Satv Pattison with a gun and 8 word. The crowd wero greally cxeited. Saw defendants Comstock, Hurd and Gorham. Saw Planter Moss. Tliere was much talk and noise Heard threats of tarring and feathering. The deftindants were present at the time. Heard Comstock and Troutman conversing about tlie privileges of Crosswhite and his family under the constitmion. Comstck said to him you cannol take them away. Heard Gorhain offbr a resoluüon, same as testified by otlier witnesses. I stood close by Gorliam when be made tlie resolulion, and heard liim disiinctly. Heard Hurd offer a resol inion after Oorbatn bad offered hls. This was as tlie otlier witnesses have related. What was said and done on the ground was calculated to inurnidiite. Heard üorham give liis name. Cross examined. - I was induced to go on to the ground by seeing Patterson, a negro, riding throagh the streets with a gun, sword and bel1, crying murder, kidnappers &c. Mr. Comstock gave his name firsl, Gorham after. Mr. Cook, Hurd and Easterly were resent and near by when Gorham ofl'ered his esolution. The resolutiüO was offered before jiving iheir names. Hurd and Gorham snid to witnoss. in f.lie course of the day, in conversntion wiih him, hat they could not take free citizcns. Heard Comstock say about the same. I talked with otheri about the matter the same day. Eastorly, Wells, Camp and others - thev made similar answers. I do not know that any one was by, or vhere it was that. I had the c inversalion with Comstock. I had the conversation with Gorïarn on the ground - witn Hurd at the Marshal iouse, cannot say who was by, nor what time of' day it was. Seth Hall called on the pari of the plain'ift'. Resided in Marshall in January 1S47. Was at Crosswhite's on the morning of the crowd, arrived there about 8 o'clock in the morning. I'here were some forty or fifty people on the 'round, They appeared excited and determiïed to oppose the Southerners taking the slaves Heard Troutman state his business thaf. he wantod to take the Crosswhite family before ïsquire Shearmun and make prooi of propery. Heard Comstock say to Troutman, you cannot take them away by moral, physical, or egal force. Gorham offered a re3olution same os testified by others. Troutman called for the names of those who ntended to Hterfere with him. Gorham and Comstock gave their names. Hurd offered a rcsolution same as testified iy others. Gorham said to Troutman before offering his resolution, you cannot tako them under the law, the peopln are above the law, and they must rule Cross cxamined- The nntnes were given beore the resolutions were offered. Gorham was outside the yard, some twenty feet, when Gorlam offered his resolution, he spoke loud so all cou'd hear. Hurd, Camp, IOasterly atid Wells was near by when Gorham offered his resolution. Satlrday, July 1, 1S48. W. F. Ford called, on the part uf tlie plaintiff. Resides n Carroll county, Kent y. Kiiows the plainliff, hatknown him since 1S42. Kneiv Adam and Sarah, the slaves, have seen the children ; but should not have known them - saw ihem at plaintiff's in Kentucky, they were the property of plaintifF. 1 camo to Marshall to assist in retaking the slaves, come on to Marshall in company witfa David Giltner and J. L. Lee, arrived in Marshall on the mormng of January 26th, 1847. Went on the mornlng of the 27th to Crosswhite'a in company with Mr. Troutman, Giltner, Lee and Dixon. As we npproached the house, Adam came out and atlcmpted to esrnpc, but on calling him he returned quietly to the house. John, the hoy, attempted to escape, was laken and returned to the house. Troutman told the slaves, thnt he wantod them to go with him to Esijuire Shearman's office. Adam appeared escited, went out of ihc door and altempted to go into a cellar. Troutman pursucd and brougbt him hack. Troutman repeated his request for them to accompany him to Esquire Shearman. Adam consentüd, bul ohjected without they would furniah a wngon. Trnutman said ho would sene for a wagon. Adam asked if he wero troiiiT to take him off without a trial. Troulman replied ho should havo a fair trial. Planter Moss came in about tliis time, pulir 1 oll' liis cor.t and said to Ailam you need not go, I will protect vou. Several white men, and somc colorad men, carne up. Harris, a whito man, and Hacken, a colored man, came up. Hackett enquired wliat was going on. Troutmaü replied, we have legal possession licre, and are goin to takc the Crosswhitc faniily. HacUelt sa?d I niu;t. go in. Troutman Int] hira rtanJ Wk, repeatod t and drew a pUtol. Hacken lurned uway. At tliis linie many people veere coming on vvliiio ani colored. Shw Psrker.a colored Dan with n l,""i. Borgtm o colored man rarae up witli a club and iftised il as lic npprasclied Troulinan. He was am-sted nni] taken nwav. Dixmi nrronted him, 1 soon afior starled for a icam, ut tliià time tbero vero fifty persons on ihe groiind. I was gonc sliout sn boiir. On nij' return tbero wen1 one buridrcd and fifty persons on tbegrtmnd. As I diove on persons cnlled out in thonutskirts of tlie crowd, you can't como. I drovc up to the f'unce, u driver carne with me. Tlicre were wliites and blucks ofi tlie ground. Grcat excitement, ilireats, ephithets, and loud Calkinx kept up all the time. I saw Gorliam and Hnrd o'n the ground. Did not see Cornstock, they wero all strenger t- inf. Did not li!ar Gorham or Hurd SftJ any t)iing. Saw tfecm conversing with Tmutinan. 1 soon went into tlie house, the house 'M full of people. Saw Sarah and or.e of the linie hoys and the girL Did not mingle much in the crowd. It WOU ld be difficult to hear whaX was said unless near the speaker. Many epilhets, and throats oftarand feathering made Hcnrd Mr. Hurd oft'er a resolution ihe same tnstified by othcr witnesses. 1 left or was leaving at that time. This was aboutten o"clock. Wc went on the ground about sunrise. Mr. Lee end Giltner went with me froni the ground to the Marshall House. Iremained on the ground half an hoiir or an hour before I wrnt afier the (eam. Tho threats and excitement on tlie ground was calculatcd to intimÃdate. Adam was worth $500; Rnrah 200 ; John Antony $650 ; Benjamin F. S550 ; Cyrus Jackson S450 ; Lucretia $250. Ovoks ezamined. - I live about 8 raitea fro PUiinüñ1's, when at home. Carrol! eo on the Ohio river, opposite Indiana Uves on the bank of the river. li easy for slaves to escapo from that vi Vralue not reduced by a BoanifeÃta position to run nway A rfug i liring as much when brought back o Ohio as hc would before. Do you mean lo state so, ifthe fact be made linown that the slave has been a runaway 1 I inean as 1 state. He is worth ns much as soon as he gets over the Ohio Riveras before, W;is your recapfjre of these slaves your solu business at the North ] Yes, it was. Were y ou armcd 1 1 was, 'with pistols, and a arge knife, a sommon sized knife, ten inchcs long. Was therc in Crosswliitos house a baby 7 Thera was ; I do not know it was part oà the plan to toko the bad}. I don't know what was to he don with her. No referenco ivas made to her in the conversaron bet ween Tromman and Crosswhite. The child was on lm: bed when I saw her. I don't know llie age of the child. Slaves frequently escape from the interior of Iveiitncky 1 do not know ihftt tliere is any law in Kentncky furbiddiag to edúcate slaves. David Giltner called, on the part of' the plaintiff. Is a son of the plaintiff. Carne in company with Lcc and Ford to Marsbal] in Jamiary, 1817. met Mr. Trontman on the 27th Janus rv 1847. at Marshall. The sla ves pscnpod on the night of the 5th of August 1S43 from ihe premie of the plaintiff in Curroll county. Plaintift' ïad owned slaves a long lime. The children were boro on he premises of my father. Mr. Troutman was umployed by the futher o recaptura the slaves. Cross cxamincd, - 1 was nrmod win'ii I went on t'e ground at Crosswhites on the morning of the 27. I had one six barrel pistol, one single barrel and a knife. I was not as woll armed as I oiiglit to liave been under circumstances. I had plenty "f nmmunilion and all n o-ood order. My knife was not long enouglt he blade was seven inches. I was much excited. Many thrrats were made to ns - we were. mnch abused lv epithets and tlireats. I lid make a thieat about bringing a regiment. Vom Keiitur.ky. This was alter we had been threatened with tar and fentliers. Direct resumcd. - Afier I bicame excited, and nade ihreats, Mr. Troulman and Ford carae to me and requested me to keep calm.
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