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The Convention mot pursuaut fo ttotice and organized by calling ERASTÜS HÜSSEY to the huir, and appointing T. R. Harkibon', Secretary. Ou motion, it was resulvod that fi delegatiou of hi-ee bo appointed to sttend l!ie Stato Liberty Cuuvention to be held at Jnckson, on the lu'th proxmo. Charles Cooley, ErastiH HdBsey, and George !ngeriol, of Marshall, wera cboien.delegatea. The fbllowing resolutions, aftor considerable discussion, ware adopted : Resolved, That the fearless, prudent, nnd undeviiiting course of Joh. P. Hale in the Senate of tho United Stntes, in defunco of human righls, frccdom of speech, f ree territory and the principies of cqual Tighr.i of at.l men, rcgardloss of personal or party interests or popnlarity, domnnds tho gnititudo of the friends of human b'berty, and their unnimoua suifragos, thereby elevatkig hiin to the Chief Magiltracy of fhis Rppublic. Resolved, That v reeofiMneod him 10 the Buffalo Conveution as i candidato for tho PvesidoDcy, believing as we do, that he will get a larger vote than any other man, and that be is fully competent for the responsibilities of that high office. Resolved, That it is tho duly of Liberty men to support him, unless he sliull voluntarily withdraw from the lield and süd Conveniion unite on some other man possessing sterling Liberty principies. Moved and carried, that Erastus llussey and II. J. Cushinan bo delegates to tho Buft'alo Convention IVom the Liborty party of this county. Moved and carried, that delegates be authori.ed to (ill vacancies. Tho Convention then adjonrned sine (lic. E. HUSSEY, Pret'i. T. R. ll.MUiisoN, Sec'y. OP" Life is a vast railway train, in wliich v are al] compulsory passungors. On tlic outsido is writtoti - " No ttoppage by tlio way." Wc arot in at llic cr;iclle, rtnd are put down at the gravo ; wc havo just lime to chango clottiosin the transit. IjF rumor goos ttbout - iind hna fbuad itt way intu tlio newspiipers - that tho Univorsity of Oxlonl luis offcred the ProfB8orbip of "modern lanjfuages" - which wa suppose naat mean tne Rogiue lVulessovsliip of Moíloni llistury and LangUHgcs, to M. Guizot. Wc i'wo it as wo have reoeived it, lint wiih swncáoubti [London A.thonum.]