Washington, JuIj 18, 1848. . SïMïK.-The nominations of Generáis Pillow, f Quitmao, CusUing. and l'ierce, were confirmad ( yesterciav. . " Mr, Clnytnn, frnm (lie select committee, , cd n bilà oà thirty-five séctions, embracing ( mentà foT lio Territoria of Oregon, California nnd ] New Mexico. . . , [IoüÃb. The House resumed, in Committeeol ibe Whole, the consklerntion of the Civil and , plematic Appropmtion liill. and, haring gono thro' with the n-m-.iÃnit.g provisions, rose and reportad Uio bilà un! amendmentt. The wnendments, in Committee, were severaUy nerêod to. with two or tlircc unimportaot exceptions âue of which was llmt appropriating $:20.000 for ihe purehase ofthe Jeflferwn papers, and a similar nim torths puichase ofthe Hamilton papers, wh eh amendment the Speaker decided to be indivisible ; .â mi tho Duestioo being therefore taken upon the two ite.ns together, thcy were rejected- 73 to 97. TIip Wil as amended, was ordered to be enerossed and read a third timo, nd tben tho Houso BdC July 22.-On motÃon of Mr. Clayton, toe bilà to establish the Trnitonal Governmets oà (Vreeon Clifornia, and New Mèco, was taken p, andMr. Clayton addressed the Senato. In rerárd to the legisktÃvo poweï in these Terâ ritories, it dUfers, in that, that in Oregon it is prolited frotn passing any hW interferiog ith ÃM nrinWy disposoJ of tlie soil ; no tax shall bo impopoyn the property of the üuited States nor .hall the lands or other property of non-residentg ' ILd kigherth.n the 1;âk1s or other ârnperty ot resident. All the laws pasfed by the Legislativo X nmblv sb.11 be submitted to the Congress ; oi he United LtBtes, aud, if dtopiwed, shall be nul! and âf o ellbct." And the existing laws in Oregon, UDÃer the Provisional Government, are contmued vahd and operativo iherein, for three mon.hs after iho ineetinc of the Territoria) Legislature. Mr. Cunvin desired to sabmit otre or two auestions, of IttW and ol facÃ, to the cha.nnan ot the committee and the leeroed gentlemen, l.fefore act?B7?6nthisbin,whethertheynadeanyne8ti- EOtion as to the poweï of taking cases to the Sur,rem- Conrt by writ of ernr,-, when Ãiey may ociâ Sie Supreme Court for a le. ttmout than 8000 rithoat some special legfeïation on the Miiyrrt .- He proceeded to show ihe effeetot the ilaw, i. ex1 rutU by the Territorial Judges, ;nd to argue ?hatthe rLult would be to havo tbe fute ot a snve deeided by a Judge appointed by tne present P â esisdenl of the United Sh.tr., WeSS the. valué oà tbut lave was 52000, for ander existing laws a writ oi mr for a lesa mout could hot lie to to the bujirenic Conrt . ,._.â .â â, :., Mr. Hule referred to ccrtam resoronono m .- rtrnction, pnised by the LegisJatore which _elected ),m ,â the Senate, mi whieh he .id had toen ofHrmed by Ãuceeedwg LegislAture o a different .complexión, to show that he waa sustained j imanimoaa wiU of NYw Hnn.pshiro, though tbt xvüuld Bot weigh with him if hs eonviction were !he other wny. Thia lea'ring of tl.e quertion " to !âa and the Conftitulion,1 na the gentieraari from New York [Mr, Dickinaon] bd expresaed it, wo d I foiind to be a leaviug of invery to exist where 1 âqw does, and to extend il where it does Dot exMt. ( o..e sido here, it i aaid, " tke this bilÃ, because it caniea freedom into lüe Territories ; while tboM on the ether sida sayi â we concar, we ake it, because tt canie slave.7 ioto the rcvrttor us u" lieargpedut length against the bilÃ, and thnt the ,,eople, if thoy vvlre fobe coute. Wi h Ãt, woold bc content wit having been ⦠cieau i. Mlh, conclu.ion of Mr. HiU. " to strik out nU aftéthc 20th section. ViAS-M.-frs.JJal.lwin, Hi-i..ll.tiry, ClaiKj-. -"" Kolch, Fitegei i, Hab, üaiHÃa, Bbltor, NKlhCSn7hisor ..AthertonBadger.l,Beoton;Berrien,BarlaI,d3reeeoBigh Bu ler, Calhuun, Clayton, DavU oà WDickiiion, Douglas, Downs, Fannegan, John MnTfand, Johnson of Luutaimw . JoIimoo o imXiug. Lowis, Mnngm. Mn, MaHo, ÃVorce, P1.1.-I. SobasUau, S-.raucc, Sturgwin, Turncy, UnJenvood, VTostcott, Vulee- 37.