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Probate JVoücc. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ? Calhoun Connty, ss. ) AT a Court ol' Probate, held at tlie offiice of tbc Jnd;;e Ihereof in M&rahall on the I81I1 day of August A. ü. 1813 - Pres' ni Jiiram A Noyes, Judge oi' l'robate. In ilie matter of the estáte of James Taylor deceased. Upon reading and filing i paper purporting lo be the last will and testament of suid deceased, and the petition of Alice Taylor, widow and kgatee in sa'ul -.vill, praying lliat said will may h: proved, allowed eslablished and recorded as tlie last will and testament of said decea6el, and for such lurther proceedings as may be necessiry on llio settlcment ol' said estáte. Ilerrupon it is ordeied tliat tlie ennsideral ion of said petition, beeontinued unlil tlio lfkli day ofSepternber next at one o'clook in Ihe aflernoon, at flie Probate ollice in Marsnall sforesaid ; nt wlrch time an(J place fill persons may appear and aiiow cause, il any therc be vv'uy the praycr of said petition slionld not be granted. And it is further ordcred that said p titioner cause ! a copv of tliis orJer to be publislied in tlie Micliigan Liberty Press a news-paper printed and circulating in ssidcounty f ir tliree weeks snccessivcly prior to tlie time of hearing in the premise, lfi M, A. NOVES, Jndge of Probrle, IMPORTAN T . I?. Foséales Aiiodvuc Cordil. A safe and effectuul Remedy for (he Summer Complaint, viz.,Diarrlioea, and Cholera Morbus j also, ent and , Spasmodic Cotíes. Ufar lltr Trlímiinl, Prora the Northern Chriatian Advocate. Foscatk's An-odysk Cordial. - It is notoften tbatwe ecommeml, throogh our columna, any of the thousand ind nnecurativea whicli are s;iicl to possess rach transccndently wounderful powerin refaoving tlie ilU tnat lesli is heií to. lint íhe Cordial preparad iiy our fríen d and townsiiiaii, Dr. Forgata, antl advertisoo in tUia palér, we kuuw to bo exoelleat fm-weliiive iried it iu our amily. Atibara N. Y. Oct. 8. From Isaac Brown M. O. I hare made considerable use of Foagate's Anoilviie Cordial in iny practico, aml do it a very valuable medicine parlicnlarly in easesof Dionehoea among children, also in cuses of cholera Morbas. I. BROWN' M. D. Fleming May. 1. TI13 following medical gentleman anite in similar recomraendations of the above cordial. Charlea Van Ess, M. D. Aaburn ; F. II. Smith, M. I). Skaneatelas ; T. M. Williams. M. 1). Also by Hoü. .Ims. Glova, Oswego i Deacon Nathan Wólley Throopaville limit & üristól, Utioa. The abovo iiamed article wríUalwaya be fbund at (il LL'S, Asotbecaries Hall. The Piles. ACURE FOR LIFE SECUREO !- Dr. UPHAM'S Interna! Remedy for the cure of I'ilns. Tlic Vegetable Pite Blectnary, invented by Dr. A. Uphatn, a lisLshed Puysician of New-York city, is the only really suocessful remedy fbr tbia dangerouí and distressing complaint tlie Piles, ever oflered to the American public. The Blectnary centaius no Miuerul Medicine, no Aloes, Colocynta, Gnmboge, or other powerftil aud irritatina pargative. No fear "i taking eold while na dor ita ínfluence ; no change in diet ia neceaíary. Il taken according to directiousa cure for lite is guarautied. Iiiflaminatory Dlscascs. Allhougli tUeElectiuiiv waí origiually prepared fur llie cure of Piles, yet it luis proved itsc-lí to be a medicine fur superior te all others, in all diseatfes of an inflammatory charactei-, with a deteimination of blood to ony particular ]art or organ. ín indammation and con gestión of the and spleen; inflammation, and sore ;üiiI alceration of the stomacb, bowels, kklney am bladder; in inflammatory and mercurial íbeumatism, i is ihe bi-.-i medicine ever discovered. Impurlllog of lic Blood For all impurities ol the blood, arising from the im prudent use of mei-onry, or other causes1, for all dis ofilieskin and scrofalons dffectionsi in all cases where the blood is powerfully determined tothehead prodacing dizziness and distren, Dr. Unham'n Eiectu iiry is entirely unrivnlled. TO MAKHIED T,ADEIS. Married ladies are almost invariably subject to tlin painful and injarious disease, the i'ile.s, wrti copse quent inflammation of the stomach, bowels and spine weakness of back, flow of blood to the head, &c. Tlie Etectuary s perfectly sale lor pregnant ladies, and th moatusefal cathartic that can possibly be nsed as i willnotonly remove the Piles aud all inflammator diaeases, vrithout pain or ir ri talion, hut will ensiire ai easy time, a safe dêlivery, añil a sound constitutión ii theofifspring. Peculiar tases nnd tffcíts in JKcw Mlgl. Chroaic Pile, - A workraan in Ifae gaahouseat Ciunbrideport, who had the piles fifteen vean, very severely, ftud was constniitly exposed to the intense heat of a fu rn ace and grually reduced by I received great reliefand a final eure by tb ose of Dr. Upham's remedy. Tlio case was a very obstinate une, owing to the nature oi' the oceupation and tlie derangod condition ofthe patiënt. Bleedmg Piles. - k gentlmari ir Betlfurd, Mass.. who had the bleeding piles fot many y. 'ars, greatly ex.hausting hls BVWteat, was entirely reheved of tina dis tressing and dangeruua sytnptonn; by tating a ha'i dose ofthe Electiiary once or twice a ni mth. Fallías ofthe BoweU. - A. personafllicted withpSles, and faüiiig ofthe bowels, to sachade reethatnoi aatiou could be had without lying flatuponthe llo;r. wa entii-ely rèlieved and oured by this medicine. Tile caso was a very extraordinary ono. Extremo Oostijenes. - Nttmeroaa persona, and ea necially femaies, afflioted with extreme . with a!l ;.1! ■ ■ 'I'"1 scicb a state ofthe system, liave been able to effect au ■e ch inge in this condition by llie me of licine. It is a vory mild cathortic, and an admirable remedy costiveness, especially naarried women. Fístulas, Ulcere, &c,- In the worst caso of piles, ritere fístulas, ulcers, and cavemous HoIcb oxist, the Eloctiiary is alwavs salntary ita iP'rts and il perseverinely nsed, will produce a cure Two or thrce cases wliere a snrgioal operation wa th inght u benecetjrs, Invo bssn c i It íl a perfect reraidy lor mercurial diseases in the mtestines. ... , . Price, $1 perbox, of twelve doses with iiill dn-ectionsand other information respcJting the treatment and care ofthe disease. Sold wholesalo and reteil by Wtatt & Kctchau, 121 Fulton Rtreet, and by A. T. Havens, Battle Creek. TTRNJáH.- Huvoíis has jizst recaived a largo W of. V ! . ,, . v „„.i ,.. japsn&c