0:i the 15tUof July last, at ihoi fhisionm Ai, i. Arbor, Mich., Dr. Geo. Hill Dr. HUI was a 'â 'â â where lie led mostly uuti! 1842, wlifcn be retiired from hls profession aiul removed to lUis s'ate. Dr. H. wus i â l c â i - tified from Iho fiVs; wjtli Librty Party, and ever the stern and uiitompniniisiiig opponent of Blüvery. A Ãkillfui pbysi iaa, d consdetent chriatian, a kind and indulgen) friend, lie live! beloved, aud died lamented by all whoUncw hirti. Hë feil a deep inte in tlio succeas of all the greul moral enterprisas of the J:iy. and 1 ft liis ilyin [niugt lmman bond intemperanee nu Uifldelity. - Communic i Owing te the absence of the editor, the aboe has I ,, â 1 1 unintentionally delye 1. .
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