WELCH, DELAVAN & NATIIAN'S NATI0NAL OlftCUS J. M. BAÃKEtl, Agent. Will exhil.it in BATTLE CKEEK on THUB8DAY, SEPTEMBER 1 it Ii, Tlie Imperial Pursian Chariot or Alï.MA.MAXA, di'uwn by SHIB.T1T KOB.SES and driven in liaml B_v W. F. WÃLDEY, tlie grcat jion Wliip, will entertown abont 10 o'cluck in the norning. The füllowing celebratcd artista arealtached to this ïopular establishment . .1. J. NATHANS, R. RIVERS. N. JOHNSON, F. BROWER, N. JAMESON, E. W00D3, H. DUNLAP, R. GARDNER, Sig. GERMANI, G. DUNBAR, W. CHAMBERS, T. BROWER, J. MALORY, J.M.HANKINS, TONEV GERMÃN J. MITCHELL, P. CONE, F. & W. JAMES. Ljp" For parliculars see büls at the Hotels. gj Tilia company wlll prrform in Nihs the 7tli, Cassopolis the 8th. White Pigeon tlio 9ih, Centreville the Uth, Schooleral't the lStb, Kalmnazoo Ihe 13th, Marshall the lüih, Aibion the Itith, and Jackson the IStli ol September. fcady IVIndc Clolhin, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! HALLOCK & K.WMONI) have now on baad a voiy large stock of Fashiohable Ready made clothing, recent); manufacturad, and in the best manner, and which bey are preparad toiell, at wtaoleealeor retail, ,u tlio lowest ci'.ïih prices. Among their beavy stock irriy Ie fonnd a general assortment of all deacriptions of Garment, suitable for Spring and Summer wear, snch as tiuu Cashm ivitr. Tweed, Drap de Ta, Summer Cloth, Linea, Rud other Back and l'weed Coate. Casgimere, Tweed, Plain and Kancy Linen,aud various other Btylea of Pantaloous. Super SatÃn, !!lk, Bombazine, Fancy Merino, Maraeilles, &c. & c, Vests. Together vit.!i a very larg aaaortraent of cheap, dunible plothing, ofCoats, Paal i kets, Vests, 'â alU, &c., S...-., lor Spring and Summer wfear. All in want of rëadj made clothing, oF any desenption. fully mvited toeall and examine their stock at thi' wel! known " Clothing Bmporium," corner ol Jeffcrsou md WoodwariJ Avo .,Det 11 TBC U -- 0B - mHE CANTÃN ÃE V Cl AH'AN V lias Uren popularJ_ lv kaowa f ir manyyears. Tliis is the largeat and olde3 Tea Establishment in Amerie. The public have h l 1 full proofof their iate ;rity rndresponsibilijy. Tbeir scruyialos regard to all prin ïiplea that teud to elévate the character of a large house, is wel] nnderstood, and has already sqbnred thema eonnection, probably, larger than all other Tea Bstablishraents united, and they conseqnenlly are determinea to Bell Teas parer, more fragraut aud perfect for thepriees, in tiieaggregate, th:m auy litiusc in the world Every packoge, (iii addition to its containing FULL WEIGHT, ndepeudant of the wrapperj bears the stamp of ueatneia and eleganoe, and tlie Teas therein are so thorouglïly aecured from lightand air, that their qnality anti power wil! renvün uaiaipaired in any olimate. A. T. HAVENS, Agent, Battlc Creek. - 4 .losrph C fii'ii!ilÃ, OFFICE. NO. Q, COURT HOUSE, MARSHALL. REGISTER of IVrds for ('alhoun coiinty, aad i No. tary Public. Wil] draw deeda aud other conveyances. Also a Commis3Ãouer for New York, te take testitnony and acknowlcdgiuents to be used or reoorded in the State of New Vork. Also agent for the Mntnal LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ÃK NEW YOKK. wilt insure livos for ono or more yoars, or for lila, for any lam not exceeding $10.000. Thia company haa a cash capital of ovei' half a cniUion of dollars. Aud as aRont for the ETNA FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE, of Hartford, Connecticut, will take risks on all kinds of iaBtirable pi'operty, on favorable ternas. Marshall, July 21, 1813. 16-3m JTIEAT XiKKET. pRIFFITH & SIMONS respect fnlly announce to the J inbabitauta of Baltle Crees;, thatthey have made ar rangementa t. keep constantly on hand all varietiea of : i:l solicil a anare of public patronage Farmers and others destrona to dispesa ofcattle, hoge, sheep, &c., can find a mirh&l for tne samo by calliug npon the abiïve namsd individuáis. Markdt nnder S. C. Merrill' Jeweller's Store. August in, 1848. 10 Itllllinery. Atani MRS. PIKIiSON lias rccuutly opencd il Milline.â ; ] n n.t:i!)lis!im ut on Maiu street, at the dwelling áK lionso formerly occiipiod by K. j. Stillson, E.sf. II â !â iitviii v ick yvas carerally selected thia Bpvingin the city of New York, and consisto of Chiuese P iarl, Rice â i-a-, French Gymp, Petal Straw, Neopolitan and Florence Braïd; n variety of silfcsfor bonuots embroidered ribbons, straw fringe, artificial borders, face trimmings, bund-boxes, &c., all of the vcry latest Btyle. Dress making in all itav&rioua branches, and aocording tn the lal il Pu hi in. Plates of Fnshiou wil) be received regalarly frrnn New York. Bonnets altered or i over nf'itlv and speedlly, at Hl . leÃate rales. Battle Preek, June 8, 1848. 8 SCHOOL BO )K3, Stati inery and sch ml apparataa - A fnil aasortm int of Bchoot books jnst reeoive.l nt Gill's Apotheoarie's Hall. 8TOTESà STOVES! ! : NEW ESTABLISHMENT. rniIE UNDERSIGNED hanug opened n store one L r of W. II. Col igpectfully invite tlie attetttion "I the Stova buy ing community to au ex amination of th iir 8to6k before parohasing el Stoves. Stove pipe and a general assortiment of Tin and Jappaned ware kent constanlly on huid, A,& D. D. BUNiXELL. Battle Preek, MayTB, 1848. JBWELKYnndfancy goodsatthecheap ZZrZ. Drug8toreof AT. HAVENS. T own Lïbrarics. HAViiNShas just r ive lak mentofbookg snitable for town librados, und they aro io bo 3old al Niw prices. T IQUOR3, of all kinds, for. medicinal and cheini:;! _1 purpoflM, at Qill'sAp II ill. mi-IOSE INDEBTED to tile subscriber, will jijase X uot wato for the boll to rtn , before calling te the Captains OiUie to Settle, Sattle Oeefc, Ayril, 184i . B OSSOO llcal the Sicko TUI', propriefoi-ti, ihll ol' cnnfidni n the virtn Dr. Suiilc's Sovereign BalÃn Pille, whicli have ;ainir themselves eiloli an euviobla r&putation iz ilie of Eve y ari they have bei a beforo the ubli:.- the tnany cures of di ease they have pevfi il-,.,,,,!,, of tlio palien 'een cenfined to their eja , are truly astonithing, iiow balieuge the world tu produce tbeir eqnol. For long standing Dyspepsy and habitual costivethey Uava aever failed, when taken Bccording.to in, to effeot a cure or giye pennanent reliet. Old Liver complaints, Jaundke, &c, eau be per. maueutly ciired by tl1 use of these Filis, as tlicy opérate directly npoij,the liver, and cause it !o perform a natural ana healthy action. Forsuddenattacks in childven - sucb aa colds fever, worins. Jlrc. - for gravel, rheumatism spiiial affectionSj eadsche, cougb attd o.Us, tbey have pfSvedan invaluable remcilv. Fkveb axd Ague and Ciiii.i. Fkvkr. No medicine yet diecovered lias proved o ofiectunl icuring ague and fever, chili fever, ékc, in the west en State, as the genuine sovereign Balm i'-lls. We have oever kuomi o Bingle tae, when tatreh accord iui; to directione, where they liave npt effected a cara 11 frnni out to eighl days. Thoy cleanse and purify the blood, and are, llicrefore, n â ileiiii.il remedy fov Bcrofula, Erysipelas, and all disoases arising from an impure tjitc of the blood. In neryons debility and female complaints, they have worxod wonden. They quietthe nerves by remoline the canse ofnervous irritatioii, and graduslly Btrengtheu and bring up the whole system. By way ofadvioeto témales amicted with the above diseass, we would say that large doses ofany kind of cathartics are always injuriou. These pilla slumlil be taken ona ni a doae, every night uutil a curo is etlected. (8ee C irculars. ) These Pilis were Brst introduced in a noisless mmner. No gaudy ihow cards, or lona apvertisementa BUed with certifictrtes from persons that never lived, were res irted to, bul wer left to work their way mio ubHcfttvor on. the:r own men:;. Tliey are pmvly Vegetable, mild butsure m tbeirop rat ion, and perfectly safe for yoang and old o debiltated coiistitutions. Thev never leave ha bo_welacoa ive, whicli cannot besaid ofanyother pil! n"w m ase. Gi-oat ca ai takea in Belecting and compoundig the medici no wliich bas always been inprinlended y Dr. Soule in person. For nirttaer directions, certificatea &c, soe the New 'nik Botanie [natitute, publighed at Euclid, by Dr. E. j. Soule & Co., which may be bad of agenta gratis. Beware of Couufcrfrils ! As tlierc ia spuriona puls in circulation, calledOrie'n al or Sovereign Halm, be gure to soe before you bny hat the name of" Dr. E. L. SOULE & Co." is on tlie ace of the boxea. None othera can be genuine. We re notaware thatanyone whoia making a spurioue article has yet dared to make use of our name; but ome of thrm have had the imprudence to imÃtate onr )oxes and copy our Circulara, CertifÃcate, &c. Uniese he public ure careful when tlicy parchases tbey will be Lrceivetl Tbs genuiue Sovereign Bnlm Pilis can lie bad wholealeand n'tail of Dr. E. L. Soule & Co. Euclid, ' laga Co. N. Y. J. Owen & Co., wholesale and retail agen te : Also, ole by agentará every tmvn iu the country, and by A. T. Havens, Agent, Battle Creek. 1 DR. H. F. PEERY'S VERMIFUGE OF! "OEAD SHOT." EOR WORMS A Hlghhj Valuahlc rrcpnrat it, CafaUe, from lite Prornp tilutlc of it dction, of Clrtins'in ihe Systcmina few Imurs oftvtry irvrm FT1HE CXCfieding SRlall jquantily o!' lilis Medicine? rnquired to 1 tost Uie exiseace of worm, or to remora nny one-from the â ysiem, ita operating in a few liours, together with iti great tari u ii iy of effect, cemtitnte it on o of the most brilliant diaooveriesofthe ago. Il seldom nccils to be repested nd nsver to lic followed by anyolherpurge. Therefore in urgent caaes, as those of fits, srASMs. or convulsions, cauaerl by uoims, unii.i]rA superiority is manMest. F'1' medicinea arebettercaicuto improve the houlth ofohildr even wbare do worm i i ; :is ii removes tbose mases t' crudtties ihat line and â l.i-fly adhere to the stomach and bowels, gividg risc to symptoms Ihat counterfeit every variety of worra-disease. Althoagh prompt aod certain in tts operation, and not uiipleasant to the i.i-ir, it s perfectly safa, and dnpted to the tenderes! up. The following is an extract fn i leueraddreaaed to A. D. & I). Bands from tlic Agent Lit the Dorby Line. . LiNie.Vi., MavTth, 1848. Gïntikmen:- I recelvedthe box of'Dead Shot" V rraifuge abaut filï'-cn day since, and havo novv oulv a few dozeo lef! on hand which will be gone in less thon ten days. It wetaa In i!o the work to the porfocl satlsfuction of all who use t. I hear iccouutsof It, where it has produced the expulsión of freno 15 or 80 to 115 wrjna froñ i persoD, and nearly the number fi i some cliildren. Ofconrse you will tliink wornii one oftUti prevailing dlseui - in Canadá and Vermpnt - Please tend inc anothcr supply as soon a.-: convenient. Respectlu]y T.C. UUT1.1ÃR. The following is from an eminent Physician, JoNF.SBOitouOH, 'IVnn., Dec.3d. 1844. Dn. II. P. Piket- 1 tak ifreat ploasurc in resommajiding t tho puliüu yoor ïaloable Vermifuge, (propcrlv called Ooad shot.) I have been resdlng it for tpo years. Nothing of the kind have I eversold tliat lus given such ualveisal satlsfaction. Thera r is od lo my immediate nnighborhood that I now reoollect of in which one doso cauaod expulaion of 150 wornis from a smatlchild, as the parent iuformeil in aftcrwHrds. Very respectfully, JOHN VANCEV, M. II. Pj ico 35 cents per vial. Prepared by Dr. II. I'. Pëery, and retailbv A. H. & D. SJkNDS, DruggistS, 100 Fulton st. enmerof William, New-Vork. Suld also by A.T. HAVENS. J. OWEN & Cn. Detroit, aml by Druggi.-ts geuerully thruughout the Unit.'ii Si ' School Books. rriHEY DO SAY that Havens has tlie best foohcap, JL letter and billet paper, ind tbat ha Sella boefca lower ih in al any otlier establishment in town. Cal! and iee (br 5 oui eli e i J To the Public. BEIFQ obligad by ill-health to discontinue the above business, all unsettled accounts must lx: arranged without delay. I will be found at tho shop of Nsihan Durfee, whereall my former contraots for work will be fulfilled. .. 1 .TOHN CALDWELL. Remo val. THE Tailoring Establishment of William Be is remove 1 1 McCaraly'e Block, tho uorner store, where he will be glad to wail on hisold customérsandall uew uur, who 111 in' faTor him with a all. 3 8chao! Itooks. aUILLS, Stoel Pens. Peu-Holders, Black, Blue artd Red luk. N;if-rs Scaling-Wnx, Letter Starops. &c. lor sal ;!ie A.POTHECA.BÃES IT.xLL, Kndo Block f TOBLA.CKSMITHS - Anvils,Vioes'81edgeBjiid Tja li iiid hammers, screw platea, aud a goed assortr mentofiron ai ui steel, for suleby William Brooks Battlo Croek. April L3, 1;: 1". IFive Tojis f RCUND and dry lead, whitiag, red lead, &c. Also VT 0 Wla Uuseed, curriera aml lamp oil, turpeotine, &c, just ree ji ved and for sale at the cheap dras store. A. T. HAVENS. Tnb Fattory. THE SUBSCRIBBE takes pleasure in infurmitfg the public tli.it hO h I the buaiuesa of Xub making and ia 1 1 idy to apply llie public with articles of his manufflctun ae rea nitable min aa any other imontia the State. He proposes to iftanufacture but Wush-Tubs, aud he will guaran tee tliat all work ahall bs ol'tlie best quality, patronage of tho publie 3 solicitcd. E. DA1LEY. nanleCreck Muy, 13 1818. Carpenter'fl Tools. AGOOD RMortmoni wül be found at tbq hardware store in Batilf) öreek, conaUtingof broad axea, ad.'s o. s. and oommon augurs, long and short jointers, jack planes, sinooth dttta, hollows and round 5. skew and rabbit planea, brads, match plane . 1, greoiao ova1 planM, ploughs, saw seta, (a ' 1) brace and bits, augur bits, steel square;., marked to lSths, sliclïe new magog, ucotch gray and bindostsn "il stqaeth all nf wliich wjtl " ipli 'hf-np. V I S T A R ' S BALSAïl OF WÃLD à ElÃKRY. The Grcat Remcdy for Lung jomplh.int and all Jijfecticms of the Rcspiratory Organs. YE WÃSII to be (ÃMtincUv understood that overy certificai iment of curjtt performed by Wislin's '.;i!-:itn ofWild Chery, wliifli wc publiih.it stvictly true. We givo luimes and dalos, umi invite the :lo01 ïitiny, and olialli iige tlie must rigid iaquiry as to tho au1 lirni iciiy of our statements - knowing full well tliat m kiiovvledge of facts, as to the great saperiority óf the mediciné, is rtioue necetsary to insureiteuse, hi preference to any olherremedj , orarv physician'e prescript ion. Tliis s slrong language. tor a proofof ita truth examine what follows: Mr. Jns'jihl. Vüuugloveï - Sir - As a duty I owc to ttoe couimunity , and particularly the afflictéa, I wuuld state tlmt I hú vb been Ebr a bumber f years iaborius nuder disenae oud weakueae of the hingK, which caused ijk; I" cougli n great deal, and produced B consequent (Icliüiiy ol nu Byatéin géneitilly to mich'a degree tliiit il was with difflculty I could walk. to do wlnch, even for a short distaneei I experienced great fatigne. ] had varioiis medicines reoommended to me, rbich 1 ased without any bénefioia] effecta whatever, uutil I prucured a bottle of Wistdr's üulsam of Wild Cherry. the nee tà f on e bottle affiirded relief, entirely relieving me ofcough, and restoi-ing my lung to heafthy act ion. The ose of it for a short time increased my general beqlth and strength to sucli au exteni ttial I was stronger and moi-e heallhy thau I had been forinanyyearslMfore. Krom Ihe trial I have made of the medicine I can confidently recommend it as n powerful tonic, and ïud a COTtuiu cure for afiectioiu of the langs mil-ss it niav be in oaies of oonsumption, obstinate .ml of long standing. JAMES A. LBWIS. March7, 1846. B iwlingGreen, Ky. CONSUMPTIVE PATIBNÃ6 ! Will piense read tlie foflbwing statement fram llie Harrison Oazette. The iucredulous nre invited lo read tlie following note from Kev. Kr. Coldvon, whose character for trntli and vei-iriiy stands above suspicion, and liave theirdoabtB dispelled aa to the superiority of VVistar'e Balsain of Wild Cherry, over all olher remedies nowbefoi the public ol' the same chnracter: CoRTnONj Ind.. Jan 23, 18Ã8. It ia iui Ãbm a doty than a pleasure to Btate, for the benefit of tb afflicted, tbat [oonsiUei Wisiar's Balsam of Wild Gherry, a graal blessing tn the human moe - Havingtried it in a ca lofsi rere afiBiction of the lungs, I unhesitatingly recommend it to thosè similarly afflicted, as the best renwdy 1 have ever tried,and one wliicli cured me when Physicians said I must die, and v hen [ thousht myself that my time todepart wai. near at hand. WILLIAM COI.DRON There isa differencs between "Wistar's Bals f Wild Cherry" and all othef preparations of Wild Clierry. 'l'lic tme and genuine Balsam, as snld by us, con. besidóa the extract of wild cherry bark, otlier medical agento of great cbaracter and ellicacy in the cure of cougbs, colds, and general disenses of the chest and lungs. Butthe all important difference between tbis medicine and all others of the kiud is that VViatars Bah sam cures, while otlier remedies giye only temporary relief to ihc. suSerer. SoldbyJ. D. 1JARK, (successor to 8ANDF0RD & 1' Mik".) Koni-lh and Walnat Btreets, Cincinnati, Ãhio. General Agont lor tlie South and West, to wliom all orders must bc adrosed. A. T HAVENS, Battle; Cumstock, & Halsey Marshall ; D. A. McNair, Kalamazoo ; II. A. Goodyear Has tilias J. Owen a Co. Delroi'. 300,000 Cnab. Capital, li'iÃh a Perpetual Ciartcr. The ïJiiia F Ir Imnnnce Co.,of Hnilford, Ci. THIS Company has beeu Ãn snccessful nperation for more t han i' quarter of a century, and i'rom its prompt aiul honovábld mode et' adjnstrhg losses, has never been dishonored at home or abroail. It has paid, witliin the last two years, $-l,5b'O for losses sustamed. by fire in this conuty. Policies issued, insuriug against the loss or damage by Fire, on DWKWI.r.I.VO OOVSE, JIANUFACTOnlES STORES, MILLS, FI.KNITUUK, WAIÃK U0U5SS, PRÃDUOà [N STORE, CHURCHKS, and apon all kinds of Insurable Property, at L0W BATES. Any loss which tlns compnoy may snstain on r taken at his ageucy, will be liberally adjusted by the agent hre, sccording to Ihe usages of the best Fire componies in trhe country, and with promptnes, in tnoney current in the city if New York. Tliia compa. ny hu ïn'vnr osntoted a law in the c'y of New York. liicasr djfieraaces ebould ariae touching any loss or damage, the company is pledged,ly a resolution ofthe Board of Directora, to submit the same to arbitrators, iailifierently chosen, oral the opinión ot'tlie Insnred. THOS, K. BEAOB, l'resident S. L. Loomis, Seeretary. t3P" Application for Insurance, or the renewal of polices, and all business connectéd with the office, ntay be made to the sabscriber, dnly appointed agent, with full power lo receive proposeÃa and iscue pólices on terina as favorable as any oflfice in the etato. JOSEl'll C. FEINK, Agent, Cffice, No. 2 Gomt luu.se. Marshall, Doe. 7, IS 17 JUortgage !iilc4 DEFAULT having been made in the payment uf n certaiu Buiii of money sccured to be paiu liy Indenture of m irtgsge execated by Phelix I Jullie. ofCalhouncouats- ai! .Stat'' cl' Michigan, to Josepli Merritt, Uaoc Merï'nt, Daniel Hudsou and Jonathan Hart, of said couaty ofóalhoun, and Abraham Merritt, of the eounty of 8aratoga, iu the state of N. Y., bearing date ihe 27tli day of July A. D., 1842, and recordsd in the Register office iu and for Baid couuty oà Calhouu, "11 second day of I) . D. 142, at two o'clock 1 M., in book F et' aio rt gages and on pages 503, 509 and 510. The undividcd one-half part of which said mortgage was dn'v assigned by the said Jonathan Hart, Josepb Merritt, Isaac Merritt and Abraham Merritt to Lydis Cunvia on the twenty-first day of' December, 13 17, and afterwards on the twentieth day ot May, L848 assigned bj the said Lydia Oonvis to B.rn A. Convis, wjji assigum nta ware Saly ivcordfd iu said Register'a office o:i üie eighteenth day of Augmt, 1S4S in liook L of mortgages upou pages504 &503 upon which said morteage there is claimed to be duo attlie date ofthis notioe the smn ofonc Uoadred and forwo dollars and thirty ihe recovery of which no proceedingà at law or in 'iniity have beeu institutèd. Notice tüerefore is hereby given that by virtue of o power of sale in said morlgage con&ined and pursiïant to the statate iu sach case nïade and proiided the p'remiees theretn desoribed to wit: - Beginuing on tlie Southerly line of Wesl ('anal street in the villaüc of liattlc Croek in said county of Calhoun at poiutÃorth 51 East distant ten feet from the rear of Platt Gilbert's bailding standing over Baid Cnnal and fronting ou Baid atreet, running tftence North 51 East twentyone feet on the 8otherly line of Baid street, thence South 119 - Eeasl across said canal lit'ty feet to the: Ij line of Easl Canal street, thence South 61 West along the Norlherly lino of said East Canal street tweoty-oiiefeet, thence North 39 - Wesl acron said canal fifty feet to the place of beginning, containing ta handred and fifty square feet more or lees, subject to all the exceptions and reservations set forth in a deed execated by the parties of thefiret part in said m to Justos A. Jacobs on the twi i day of Jttly, 1842, wil] be sold. at public adetion to the highest bulder at the Coart House in theviünge of .Marsliall in said connty ofCaAhoun on the !:jth day of November next at on i o'clock in the bfternoon. A. K. CAMPBBIiIi,Att'yTorAignee&Morl Dated August 18, 184a. 17-Uw Wow I. WOOL GROWERS, MERCHANT8, and othersare infurined that the subscrib'er have Made ari menta to eive special attentiou to the ssile oà all deseriptiona ot' WOOL on commission, witli a thorongh practical knovriedge of the article, and the markets at bome and abruad. CHOUTEAl'. MERLE & SANFORO. ( i Va). OAKLKV, New V'u-Is. 1848. 1848. HIIiVT &â UOBY, STOItAGE, FOUWiRDU'6 & COMMISSION MERCIIANTS, â Viireiiniisp, Fooi of BaU-s Streel, tetroi. forTroyund Western Lino. No transhipmcii al i!i :,iv of Troy PiioFBiETons.- Rice, Ciaw & Co., No. 31, Coenties Slin. New York i P. S. Stcrubery & Co., corner Front ;âu'l Do, Buffalo. .I..I. Newcomb-, L. Whari, i , K. Robiuson, Pier, AIIkhiv. Agent. Alio,AeutB for the Waihington Line. pnonuKTors.-Jamrs Grilley & Co, 4D Q.iay ,tâ Albany Isnao Jerome, 125 Broad t.Jsew York, Oonts & . , l0 Central Wharf, Bufftlo, Agenta. Liberal Cash advancua made at all tunes iipon properly destined for Basteni Markets, or lor sale nurc. 2-it TNDIAN CL'HE FOR TOOTII-ACHE- wnrrant.-.l tree L from H poiwo, and to be a rare and lastina oure lor : ootli-n;l.e, and for the preertWioh -f der âye.l teeth - SHEKÃFKS SALE ON EXEOIUTION.- By virtua oà oi:e ExecatÃon, Ãssued out ui' tbc Couuty Cour', Ãu in rl fot the eouuty of f.'ulhonn, lo tÃie direotwd and de lÃvrrod, in favor of Elias Wild mam and John Marvio na plalntifis, ondagsinsi John WolÃ'asdeÃenihtnt 1 havo levicd apon a!l xhv. interest of the defendant in and to tïie foUowing döscribed lauda find tenemeiits, v.z: 'J'ÃjÃ; northeoM quartor of sec'tion four [4,] the northeofil cjnarter uf Boutneast quartor of section Cour [4,] north haïf of iioithwe.st quarter the BuuthweRt quarler of northweet qnarter ofsouthwest quarter north half of northeast qr. and sout beaat quarter ofnortheast quarter "t p - lion 'â '., in township oumberonó sonth of ratige mnnlirr sevfti [7] west, eontain'mp six handred and forty aeree mnre orlesa, tegether w$th tbe appurtenauces Lhereiuito !'- ton ging. Notice is iherefbre hereby given ilmt I - hall expose tho abofre described real estáte for sule ut prtMtc auction or vengue, to the bishest I IIoubo in the village of .Marshal! on Tueadaythe llth day of September nextj betweeu ilie 1joiu of hïtie '- dock, A. Hl, and the settiug of the Biiti f tÃiat day. CriARLÃfS DÃCRBY, Sheriff. By K. CLARK, Ot-nuiy dti Dated Augast 4, 18 43. 1G ::â â ja sos .t . Pii;nso', Has oprrird a sliop. one donr East ofW. Ã.fi , ' Brooks' Hardware store, Main si., Baitle 'L. ' Creek, for lbo manufacl üre and saleol' the ;irous úeÃcriptiuns oÃ' BttOTS & SU O ES, Particular allflntion will he givento Ladiea Morocà o fralking Ã-lioes., Gaileis, Slapers . auij TÃos. Tlie iirst quality of slouli oüly will be uu-d and tlie bcsl ot' vvorkmcn employed n ita manufactnrp. Persons dcs:rous ola tirst rale lit and u durable article :ll pleat-e give liim a cali. All oftlieabo kepl consianlly on liand and made lo ortler. p ? Hidea wanteil in exchange Cor casli or O work. Iteeallectthcnumbér. One door ast nl'Baooks. Baitle Creek, May 13, JAMKS A. BA1LEY, SIIOE AND LE1T1IKIà DEALER, BATTLE CREEK, lf. Keeps comtantly on hand and for salean, ;iw3 assorttnent of anieles in liisliiie,coiisistiiigol Y boots, iHOER, i,i:atÃi:. Trimmings, &c., &c, mÃj Tur sule gheap. The subscriber woukl respectfulÃy aj to those who désire a GOOD FIT, aud u tasty Fashionablc Boot, or Shoe, Ainl at tlie s;ime time durable, tiiat lie is p i pared to execute orders in smli i manneros TO DEFY COMPETITlOjr, Having the best of material and emv U-Jj '''' ity necessary to erntlfy the mrliculav taSti '.?5 every individual- in short to snit the most ïj] jioua. SUop, Mnin 8t., opposite Brick Block. Hidea wauted, and tlieliighest prii-e Cheap Drug Store. rpHE SUBSCRIBER hna been eulargiug hij store, JL and ï-eceivinu' Large addiiions to hisutock 1" goodj ;iu.l isnowprepared tÃ) woit upen all Uigold cuatoiaerij and as nrmy nc-w ones as pirase to give him a cal!. Yoawillfind cvery nrticle nsually kept In a ü' Store. Including Paints. OiU Dye Vo,âls. 1'atent Medieines, and a greal rariety ofarticle iu ihia department, togethev with a large stock of School Bouks. I) Ãs f.;!' town libraries, Blanksaud Blank Booes., Letter, Fonlscap and Wrapping Paper, f'ancy Statiouery, Jer.ehy' i Instrumenta e-, &c; , This is toe uu'ency ui' the Cantón Tea Company and families can be supplied witta a choice article, and at d low price. All kinds of Groceries eau be fouud here; snd the prices are'just rigtÃt tö atÃit liuse wlio wisli ta bay che-[i. . . Physiciaos, Marehanta, Pedlcrs, FarmerB, and in suort all can mate raoney b calling,as I uu detennuied nol to be UNDERSOLD. either at wliolcialo or retail, by any similar establishment tliis side of New Vork. A. T. HAVENS Battlc Créefcj April, 13, 1810. Baltic Crcek High School. rpilE FALL TERM of tliis sclwol, tor the instructioii J_ ofyo: ng ladiea and gentlemen, vsrill coiñmence on Mondny, August 28, onder thesüperiuiëndeuce of Mr. P. V. Moore, i-si-tcd iy MissT. W: Mooie, and Misa Clnuloltu E. Byinyton, toather b Music. All cf the branches nsually puraued in the firsi Seminariea of Learuing Enst, will be taught. Pareutesendiug tneir cliildren hera may rest assarad that the oonrse dl' instructioii will be thorougb, and no painswill be apáred by the teachers to so discipline aiul cultivate the mind and mannen of tneir pipils, asta enable ihcin to fill with usefulness and honor that s'taiiori iu lile in whic.h thëy fcre afitrwards desiined to move. Tennis per Quartvr af Eleven Weehé, Small scholars, attending to reailingand peiling, $3,00 Commou Bu glisli branches, - - - 4,00 Higher do do l'hilosoiihy, Chemistry ' Botany, &c., .... 5,no Langnages and Matliem Musib, (without use rf'Piano,) - - B,U0 do with do do - 10,00 Tuition payable invariably at Uw expiration of tin; (irst hiilf oftlie term. No deduction made for ab except iü case of sickuess. No acholar received for e,a time tlian half a term: li tard can be obtained in rcspectable families iu thé village, upon reasonable terms. Kor ftirfher iaformation, apnly to the Pl'iitcipal, or to Itev. .1. B)ington, 1):-. J. L. Bolkcom, Mr. .!. Brówn and Mr. W. BrooKS. Batile Creek, August 3, 181.3. % 10 Iivery Slablc ;, HAVINtà rURCHASED the interest of Mr. Spragtte In the Livery cs'ablishiueiit, of tliis place, i would state to tile public ïhatlam prepared tofarnisb tlimn with horsesand carriagoa on short notice and on reasonable terms. The nudeisigned takes this opporiuuity to express his thaults for Ih i liberal pátroiiage heretofore bestowed. . Lnrgè odditiona have been made to tbe eataWwhtn i â Rattora biuteelfthdl the taste with which he eau fit out hia oon. aces will guarantec public patrouags'. EF Travelers carried to a:iy place ui the adjaceut country. . ' D. J. DOWNS, Batde Oreek, August 10, 184tf. 16 First lKiii". TUST RECFIV'ED irom New or!;, a splcndul ns. ü Roriment of ladie and childféns Slraw l?on-iets, consisting in part of Tuscan, l'edul Braid Lace, Fancy Bral i a:ul Split Straw. ALSO- A lot of bcantiful new style Ribbon, not forectling a choicc assortmeut of printed Lawhg, Orjraücly Muslin and Scotch Gtngham sftlie fincst i.ualty- cheap for OMB. 5 BROWN & BREWSTER. fxoiici'al E'cclioii. Sherifï-'s OrricE, Calhotjs Co. ? Marshall, S i 18. J NOTICB is hereby giverïthat al theGi neral Eli to bë holden in tne State of Michigan, on tb ïuesilay of November nsxt, tbe fbllowing offlert-ro to be clVct,il . : Five Electora of President and Vice President of ihs fe States. One Represeritotive iu the Oongress of ttife UuiteOI I, tot ilie Socond C 11 placo of Charlea E Stutut wIiosq term ofoffiye will â on the iih Aay of March, 1J4ÃÃ, composed ol ooanti , Mlog m. iavrv, Berrien, : ! iuuü, :. 1 â - : i " i . Jackson, Kuluniizoo, Knt, Ottowa, St. Il and Van Bui'en, aml the romi â _ 'â to eachoftbp sumo respeotively far Roprcssutativo jiarji.) One Senator1 fov the Fifth Senate Di vvhioh consists of the couniiesof Allegan1, Calliouu. Kalamafpo, in tho place oi' Natlianiel A. B:i!' term of office will expire on tlio Jijt dayjof I next. Three â to the Stal lure, in of John D. I'ierce, A. E. Cai V i I ; , i whose terra 'r' ico expire on ofDecembor. A. 1). 1 One Sheriff in place cf Charles Diokey ; oie C Clerkjin place of John Meachem; one Re â eJ . in place of .Toseph C. Krink ; o:n' Coiini r iu place of Miln Soule: one .Imlu'i' of l'rol II. A. Noves; one Survoyor in place of Cy'rua, He two Coroners in places oi' Charles Harkius,and â ). I' Potts. In Witness wliereof I havo heivnnto 30t mv ' aliixcnl the Seil of the Coimty of CalUü Marshall, this Ifiih day of u tho ; 5.] our Lord one thousand eight hundred md forlitand of tlieiml Stoten of Amirion the seventy-third. cnin.i:s mei rv, Sh
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