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STATE OF MICHIGAN, } Callioun c 5 AT a OonM thoroof, i;) Mari ill on t'i ■ 3 18-13, present ü 50 Probati ■ iding anil E ■ l'l! , . :■ o!" tilo csl . I ii, ri! tl II, Ut renaidat w I. And it a Kirtlier rdered blishcri ui t(M Mtchi :, ttowüpaper-piiblish■ uuty Por i sncctö.-ivt'y, pi-lor Id tl IS II. A. Nu'. : . OTATE OF MICHIGAN, ? O (' J AT a Conrt e dffice nf the Jitdo Uicrcofii, D., 1844, Piweut Hoi' C).-ii een ■lli lliat ho . i ■ uned the 9tli daj : the lurcuoou, al office in Marshall, ftfliresoid; nt whicb tim aud. place all vvhy the oí sai cl ■ . . grantod. furtlier oi I uopy of lilis order to bs pabltáhod in the .Mie'. arty I', . ■ . ■ . , ■ lor llirée -■ iisc. i H A. N0Y1 8, m Purgativo Pilis. 200,000 pi , wlio had been labori iplaints, a ■:ms. JfPGAR COATÍ ;Ép VtSlUBLÈ PI UB ARE tl loss, Rheul'ains in the back.liiwnril . i is ol uil kinds, Feltralc i , Meásles, ShII Rheum, Heartburn, Wonng, i i, Coumnn. . ilès, beufne ióg ■ of l i-ii-iy of ol In-i iritii.'S of' the 13 lood iüiil ()strncfiond in tlie or ana of di m stiou. ii has !i 't 'i clearly proved i'imi uearly every i tu wliicli the liumi n Irw ImpuritiM oft] l ' ' and to ilth, v.c rnusi remove ilie ubstructions or restore the Blood to its uaUu'al state. - . bul paople mi 'ii medicine t .:. core n'iiil au i' ution, or a th. of t ak( . them for the Cully oi'tlioir ciimliifl. S!.ill tlu'v ttadwnne :iü its üii 11. kowever, tli ! : for i'ii. taljlo Purgutive Pilis, being coinpletely ctiveluped %iili d cbatin of pure white sugar v iel f i il ahell trom Une do !:i r'' of Medicin ■. - Bal .'irr ns easily swalloweti lis bits of canitv. VtoreOTer the) ■ ater gripe in the i .:!i!..j.-' degree, vvhioli is oj cd liv the l'.i i ided ou scicnl ifi priuciplea and upcrn i ed [ il - eonuuiug Lhen to, and rncking admitted evil . ■■.) Henc :, e all iijipure liumors fi'oni tl] i body, open tlie poi ui. rnall) ... , obvíate Flntuli . te all fureigu auil ' IjlliO;! ,'v pari - s" Liver, and tlieveliN [leallli, Even when al] üed. The eitii loabovi le boa i B . tbat the proprietor bin . snvn thi money jmid ii' tliein in all easea where tuey dn no tiou. f in:uiry or for ndvico musl I , :)r. C. 1 No. 6( out tbe ei nutry. N. r or of Sugar Cuuted P i d of nu til he i ui ■ : .Tu 1H48. I' li io il, then ■ ■-. aKvuya i Pilis, and ti or t'.ioy svill bo m ■ itims ui' a fraud, - A. ï. HAVENS, Agent, Rattle Creek. JMoi'tguge S DEFAl'LT baring been made in the {myment of c rlain roouies eecured to be pi'ul l '■ : iring ilnte ü tbe yer of our Lord one thousand eight lumd ini'i!i)!i Brawn of Convig, CalhoHn cuuütv rivid StHle of Mioliigan, u BenjemiB F. ffinmnn and Joho !■'■ Ilinrann, said, vvh'ch ciffáed in tb.' office of iho 1 l ■ nul fav ,! diiy of - I - niiil on which there is d ue nt tho date hcroof I for therecovery ol'w lii, : m, pi ly liavi' been NotïiSié is licroby giv!y virtue ol a jiower nf sale n aid n 'i. : ]l ii:;i! certain tratt or parco] nf lam!. . township of i . six (ij.) tli ball (J) i half [J] nf til ■i h'. [. l ivjtli tbe ii tbereto bclojigitijj, will besoldut public . higtiest bidder, i (en o'clock in tbe [ shall pursuaut to tbe slatutu in buc madi; and provided. BENJAMIN F. HINMAN, ? ■, JOHN F. HINMAN, H" Dnted i i-i2w DR. TOWNSENDS. Sarsaparilla. lor he ■ innnenl cnn f the blond, ar Imbitof the syste a ro'iila orKingtt Evil, ttli . Pinplcs orpustnles ou the ! Scald Hoad, Eul and l'üiü of tli Bypli rdcrs Lum! ■ plni i i. Amoug the uu ..I)''. T Sir. I have suffered teriblyfor trs with Ilie rhfiuinatism i CoiuñderaUl ild nol eat, ileep or walk. I Ijad ins, aud my limbswere teribly swolleu.- bui1 bottles of yo , they ■ than a (houaud good, I rnnsomnchhetter- fudoed l am entirely rblievl'J- Vl ' l r the Benefit of th afflicted. .1 iMES CUMMINGS. OPTNIONSQF 1 s. Thisistoccrtify that we, the iilidersigued, Phyaiciajia of Ihn city of Allmi,. nsend, BHrsapaillu, and beli lable prepnvationa n the marktt. I'. F.. Elmendore M. I). .). Wilaon M. D. H. P. Huil a. lï. Bnggs, A large suppiy jnst rëcetvedat GILL'S Apoll Albany, April 1, 1317. ;VS5ii::vry. ntly ()]ipiiwl n M; ■ ;' use for ae.rly occnpiixl by E. L. Stitl , Fronch Gymp, !'.-■ 1)., ■"ÍncI rogularU' fivna Battle New XaUnriiig EstaUislun T ■.:!! hviiigoiifd ii s uip I ■ fitlly ani i ■ by l Ie in v.-lii. !i ■ hall bo t)lo io s.itiafy anj ■ I k'ill for themsolvo thereforó, solicita Particul II .: SO AERAN ■ J A ful! assortment of fT 4Í V -Ti V O Yfi 1ñ WIISTIÍUN NliW l'OStlt. COLLEGE OF HEALTH, ! .7, ƒ.;,. ; streel, ■ ïort DR. C. C. VAUGHiM'S "Wu'-iablr Jjh !i on 1 1: ( ie Mixture. Tinsliintly in ifl worli!. ]i hua iinw he. v medicin PA.M1LY I I ! d for OüOI'SY : all sta o of tlii ■ oinplaini immedini lievcO, 11 1 inatt'i rof 1 v Ion ; staudin ' tmphlei Por tesi imonv. ;' :id il! d is"i-i's ni'tjlr; liri::i: J ■ i alone 'i n ron ; müiI the curea tcslifieJ to wil] i'onviuce the 111 : [ ; Liver Complaint, ■ . Í''i'it ;mk1 A;'ir". Tu lli Grcrtl Wesl e Iv, nul wlWever these cdmjltiin{8 prfeTail thia medi. cine isdllerf,]. No in it.ü Hgcllt, 111 puund is a ;nL of i ' willi cefliiinly nul cclcrity, and cliici dot leftve the system "■:■( :1. Sce l'.i;]i; :. l'll.i. i ifins' pninful cli irnctcr, is ! .1 cure follovva lv i fe lis irticlè : it is 1 for ilii ■ ' origiuatiug) . - See p;in! 1 DBBILI'J V F X reak nessoftl) . ir t' i(ii of wuii'ï, is iin of thie ra .' i .'''!■ i ,■'.,. aso. il slüiuls :is i fui' deipprcs' ■ '.i an iel Ha oftered excepi iliis ■ M Couch thia kind t de.■Illl f'.'ly, and ilal we feel permilted in iluso. e luid '.i'.ea thotisand qq wf afeares in ii's dUtrcssing rlns of . : ■ ■ down; tlcbiliiuted ooMstitutibiu fraun the offoct of m ■ ; will (inil the braciug ] pwer ui' tho 1 ' ironiediateiy, and tl ited from the EKÜI'TIV] BS will fnul the nlternntivé ;.) pui'ay til md d rive niimphlet fui" testimony of cures in nlWIisi'u . wliiol the limita if atl adnent will not penïi med héfo', ai away ; they c mfaiii tifioates "f Illffh cilai1 !■ '! til" pniof ut aliar feature ofthis aftitle tbat it ncer faila to ■ aefil iuauy case, aud if bons and pin-Imilil upini let tile emaciated aud liiiLreriii-j HOPE ON, aiul keep takug tbe medicine as long as ■ is ;üi mproyemeut. fho proprietor wonld cautiön the pnhlic agaínet a 1 ''(■!■■ ) wliich coitte on'; 1UKÍ' ■es for Dropsy, Gravel, &o.: Tl i'l for aothtug, nnd crtAOocKted 10 touch them not. Theïr intenti er tlion 1 particujai' study of tua pampblei earneat: Air;i I iini :ill whosef] Hib 8rtict6 iro fflad te l'lll lip in :ill Oü.biHllKBi al $2: ÜOZ. (loatjil óacll- tho ildklf 6 oz. mof Ihuu twoartalll out ttrtti d npon. F.vei-y hcitr [i ts "Vauirlin'a 'v .i .■ Mixture,1 biowti upon tin' gluss, !ie wfittpii -.:- ikiIiiit. dl'" ; Vnrijii1' on III" .lir"c: i'iil-, Bll'l G. C ' Ruffalo," on Ui' rfrk. No OCher ure 9VUÍDe. l'niparoil i. Dr.G. C. ' 1 lm. and soid al the priucipal offlcaïluT, Main ■ wboloaalc ud relai-l Neattenüougiveti loletp 1 t puit- -;■!. ra from resulurly 1 rcnslituied - ■ . pont paid letters, 8olicilingdvice,proinplly iktteuiied 1 1-. I - 1 1 .-, 1 iv '■]: to tl) a:ilr of arttcll - 132 Nbssau m. New York cilv : 295 '.-m .t. . . 1 Uy the principal DrugistB tbrougliout llie United $tatea mul Cunada !l r-. Por 8 il! bv S. T. HAVENS. Battle Cfeek, G J. G IIül .ui I .T. (i.v.-ü St Ci., Dut.! M ivii irita, Ann Arboi; . Sicvi'iiCoucord; Hall, Smilli c Diinliaiit. Grúa Lik' 1. C. Whilwoiid D-.m.t; T. Wlieiilork. Albion; W. Jackwin.l i ; A. C.'GooJrich. r,: J. T. OUpham, KnlintKiz 1' own ft Smit. .1. e I, .... NilP! .1 [,- T..:n i (' i . .1 ir '(-■■■ : 011 I O.H., M ir.-iiil!. J, W.OVVEJÍ, Ti.ivdh: I M PO RTA N T. JS. foséales tíaodyne Eovdicl. A saf nedy forlht i; Couiihiiiif, viz., Diarrhóea, and Cholera . Falufent and Spasmodic C ïlo;ir l!s" 'Y:;uanri, ■■ H'aTo. ■ 'e's Asodynj: Cortjial. - It ís uotnften Ili:t1 vve im ís, auy oí the i: .vhirli are s;nd tu i h tRiustlv o!i;;ilri i'ül power iu reinoving th : ills tntit rtosli is lii.-ir to; Bu! t lie Cordial pre tir t'rieud ni, 1 mil ndvurli iii-i-, v í'mveiu,ve Iricil t ii our i'.múlv. irn N. Y. srn M. D. I li.-iv: ite s Anodyne der it a vo chiUlreii, I. 1HÍOWX &I. D. i .' Msy. 1 . Tile followi in aimiClüirl i. Anlmrn ; V. H. 8m!lh, M. D. Skan :s VI. D. Also by Hoa. Jin. . Naiiun Wolley Thru ; wiU alyaya bo fuuod al C3ILI' !I,lI. Bíeíidy liade EIothiHg, 1 'i1 WHOLESALE AND RE TA IL . HALLOCK & i! W.Mi ND líate now on h;,n,] n verj ■ Ready made clotliin marnier, nm wliicll :: r retail al (lié I their l;c;i. muy lie fon nd n ■ 1 1 1 ofull descriptiqtia o Spring ond 8ammer wenr, siicl ís fine Ciishmerette. Tweed, Drap de Tu, Sumtuei Omth, Linen, Bud o I. I'l.tin nul Faiií'v Jji.'í-íi, and variSuper Sutin, Silk, Bombaíiao, Fanoy Merino,. Mar ,'; o. i ■-. Togetlier vvith i meni af ebeap, du rabie elothing, R lo alls, v; Summer vvear. A ! oí' rea ly m ide cluthiug, of auy descripaud exaiiai fhe wellkiiowu " Cloti iuin," coruei ol .lefferson and Woodwurd Ave ..l):-t ] ! T E CANTÓN ÏF.A OuMl'ANY has], ly kuuwii for ni.iuy ye I olde Te i n America. 1 ■ h u nul proof oftb.eir iute .. Til inuuiples ih il uvi.l in elova h imacouttejjtiou, mil ; [ueiiily urodetermifle i , pur. r fréul aud perfect Uit i ■ ■ ite, thnrt any h ia e in the worlj liuiug ITL!, 1 i ti i n!' tlie wrapperj : elegance, aud tlio Te i i thoroiigtily secn cd l'roui '; (ii:ility nu-.l pon ain uiiiiapailwl iu aurcli■ A. T. HAVENS, Awnt, Battle Ore , Jorph V. Fü'ink, H )USE, MARSHALL. RBOISTtB of Dpptls fir ralljnnu comity, iMid a No. Public Wiíl tlraw ,: is 0 nnin ion r for New ', ! or reoord d in e "1' New Vork. V. OF NEW YORK. lor lile, for hiis a 0,of 1 ! i"tfol, I inda ufu. ' ■ proper') , on foi Marshall, .luly 21, 18 ifi-:i:,i JWJ AT . vt A 1UK ET. HRIFFITH &SIMO . ■ ,tUo U iuhabrtfmts nfBattl hnve nn ■ ■ ; : upon abovo na a I i;n!; - ■ ■ The Piles. ACURE FOR LIFE 8ECURED !- D.-. üPi" Intorn! Remedy fot the curo oiPiles. The Pile Electuary, invented ly Dr. A. Upham, a dir Üngnished Physieian nfNew-Yorlt cily, isthe only rí; 1 1 1 y iiu'i'i'ssl'ii) rcnipdy fnv lilis dnflgerous and tüstresfiiig otupluiiil tile riles, evni' ofii;H'ii U i'm; Aun rj( The Eleetuary contaius no Mineral Medicine, no Air other poweiful mul rrfta eold while under tu iuflueuce; un ullaiígi in (Jiel i. i II takeu ng tu dirrcí imis u eme for Ufe guara i Iiiflammaiory l)iis. AÜlimigl] ■ . il to be t) int di■ ..;: 11i ] : 1 1 1 1 : : ■ (i detenniiio d to . I tiBiunnmtioii niiá con: ore J ■y and raeinrial ibtiuMutisin, It ia the best medí Itnpurille of ! Ulood di Impurities ol t.he b1 ; "ny irapriideii) u-r oí' mercilty, 01 '"' n" l'!S" itiiH ; in nll i n produciugdiaziilc tress, Dr; üpbam'n I ury i ■.,-cl. TO MABKIUD Ü-ADÍCÍS. Marrad ladies are ttltapst iav;iri,ii!v snbject to thal pninfnl find iujarious diseuse, ilic Piles vvith conseI n of t!ic st.oinicli, buine, wenki :, fluw of blood ta tbe head, &c. Tlic Eljectu ' 'he aa ii will not only Tembve the I' atory i -. wilhoul pain qr irritation, Iml will enetire an i in Peculiar í'nscs nnd F.tfeetñtu ?itv EngluiJ. trpuic Piles. - A wi.ikuviu n , Caml)riiU"'ini-t. who héá tbr pi ' eejrt and was constantly exposeil to tbo iuleuse i o!'n furaace -i nl greatly reduoed lv U: discasc, rea ínj;il i:;n' ly tho aáe 'f Hr. Uphuui's romedy 'i .. - (wasaverj obstinali o owing In i-h iug'iUt. Ble . - & gentleman in Bcdfurd, Ml who hnd til ■ ! piles for many years, ffreatl] ol ihs dis a hii'í'doKi' of'tbe Electuary once or Fal i . wUh pilos, and (alling oftho bovíels, to sudi a do(;ree tha,t no uatiu'j was eutirel ytlÜ0medi( u faordiuary Exl ■"■- Niiüi.M-diis persono, fiml es afflicted wiih exl : eness and ptoms atteudaul npon uch state i f I lie Byatem, i' ■ - u tjie n'se of th'ia w : nine. tt is a very mild catbartic, and a admi remedy for coatí rnarried won Fístulas, Ulcer, &c, - In tlio worsl case of piles, wliet aloers, and cavernons hole exis!, Úie lutary'in its effeets, aud it perseverin ■ i cure Two pr threí es. uil was tboi ired by thia medicine fect remedy for mercurial diseases in llie inPri -viili full (I tions and other infhrn lecting the tre'atirieni i ii i rl enre of ; le and retail Iy Wvatt & (Cuten 121 I ! by A. 'I'. II tvens, Ba tli I ft i ÊÈ 1 )i(. ti. K. PKüfi VER R "DEAD SHOT." FOR WOf A i ■ ■. of Ctt au tu L the Syetem i " e Amr nfccen, 'Pili! n ill (luüiitit y ui ibis Hedi 1 te ... ■ Certa tut y of ific i.m-t briltianl ; er ree of the ij . i !)(■ l'r.i I ■ ; i ïion ), caua ' . . uiiriTaled supei i . i , ■ ■. ortai KAB of Cttlditi ,-',!-■! .- tuina i list co d iseaae. A .■ . Tfee foMowintt i n extract fro io A. Ii. t D. Sitad Dkkiiy LinBi Vi.. Ci y.sri.Kiir.s : - T ricciv cd the box of "Deacï Shftt" V i ■ Ii. nul w liii'li will i,r tlioworktol -mi ofuil ntiouse it. 1 .- u some . Die ctpuJulon ■ 30 io nr v,. r iV.'.n - mi'1 chilfl i-m 1 1 i Hfill tliiok worm , Ii Veriaont - b con . eni ■: fuHy, T. ('. filTTLKR. The foilowing is ram an eminent Pkysicieut, IBORUU0H, T-'ii:t., i--' .-. v!, 1-J Í. Tin. IÍ. F. Prcry - 1 tui i tmemling to ■ !i!tc ypur v:.!tiahk Vermifugn, (propcrh c . ki ml '■ - . ■ ■ . , i ■ ■ o hi üiv mm " . I notr : ■ nruif lild ar i lic n ir tni infol i i I JOHN YASCEY, M. D. I'rfce ■:". tfl ita por vifcl , I ■ I? r . H. i1. prtail tv A. B. 1). SAXDá, Di i Wilti-im. N i . I School Boo'ie. THEY DO SAK that ! ; paper, :m i thai : .'■.- lower ttiau ui . tow ■.. Ca sea for your I To tlm Public. BEIFG oliligud ly ill-houlth to liiacoutinna tUi i ttled acconul i mm tl witlioul Jelay. 1 will Ik: fouiid al tUo :.:nii of ." hare all ray form i rill bo fiilfiiled. 1 JOHNOALDWEÍL. Resnoval. THE Tnilorii ilunetil of Wïiüam Roe i veil to McOainly's Btoclc, tl oaes ' wha may favor him wíl . 3 School ki:!Ks. aVlhU na. V n-Holdem, Bh Red luk, " ling-Wax, l. fot sale ch ip fi( the Ai' A TOBLAC MjQ ll.lllj iir ■ nfenJ ifiron Buitte Oreek. April 13, 1848. Tive Tow mCÜNb' and (I7 lead, wlikius, ntf lend, Ac, V -■.' tw ■ il, tn ■ itiiie, &Ov, jus! re ■ üvad mi I A. T. i 1A'. Tu 3 Factory. rpn.: x !' Tiib - : bul Waili-TulM, uml lie . ee thut u!l oí tbs Batile Croo!; May, 19 I Curpctftct-'g TooJí;. Ai t will be E ■ ■ ■ . . i. s. oud cotnin ín . ;:l,': - .' IWHIlllíl ■ ■ Town liilirarits. HAViiNS h&s just receiveJ n largo íssortment of books uitable fer town libruries, and they are iu bo sold at low pnces. T TQUORS, of all kindjj, for medicinal anj cliamical Jj ni . i. w T n' ■ ■ ■ :.. ii. i . ,. Bi'. Sonli , . . . ,. . . .„ n 1 i;.ii 1 tliey hnv . ,., i . ü:g beeu ceufiix ■ . t llly HEtOuia i ■ '. -vr r pqnai. Kor I ■ ,l hubitua ■ ■. in Ke pi rmanent Öld Livi ■ . Jauudicc, ii-r., eau r■ ■ ie of thi c J'ills, nn ti ■! . ■ rei tly npon the it té i ■ ■ . ■ co . iv, m ÍBa] a f, provud J; E AM, filH.' I'iVKH. No ii.. , ,i a„ c ucuriu ■. liill ii'vei-, &c, in t ii'11 Sti ■ ; i Pi e lave never h ben 'asen i■ tbey liax: not .jffecte i i -e . : e Mood, aii'.l aro, tbt:refúrr, ■ nía, Ervpipelns, and alJ hnpuretate lil'tho blooil. I ti ., , . mpleints, thcy liBvewurnod wouiiei Thej cj lie! tli uerves by reirritatiou, and gradually ; Ilic wholo syslpm. By wny ofad i ! wiih tbc above disenee, we w Miy kind of cntliartics I ■ jiills should be taken one al :i (r,sr, ëvery niglit until a curo ia eflccted. (Se ars. ) These Pitia yvera first introduced ui a noidess inauurv. No p.-wi. long apvertisemenu fillod vit!i i V ms (rist liever lired, '■"'■" ■ vt9 lefl to work their way into :i lili'riis. Tliey are purëly gi tal Ie, mild tiut giire in tlieirop. m, aud perf-ctly safe for vomig md o!d ofdebilitated constituticuis. Thev neverleave the bowelscos live, iv!;iili cannot besaid of any other piD oowin usc. Great care hasbi -.'. tuk e i in Bclecting and compounddici ne wiiieh has alvCays been enpriütended. by Dr. Souli For farth te &c., fee the New Vork Botai i fn ütnte, publisbod nt Dnclid, by Dr. E. ],. Soute & Co., wlii, !i inay be had ofagents gratis. llcirnrc of t'oniiK i f l ! pills i circulation, c-.:'.' '■"' or iu'fore yut. -:.. SOÜLE & Co." ia on tho :ie othei'-s i .-i ■: be genaiue. We tre tjial ■■!]■■ a spm-ioiii articl I to mal ■ naina; but :- thora h aJeuce to imítate our . i i rtificaten, &L. Cnles the public when lliey pui-cbasa, tliey %villbe red. The "ennihe Shvereign BaTm rü! ean ho Imd wbole(1 ii'iil of Dr. E. L. Bottle & Co. Eucjid, Onon. Y. ' Öwen v( .. v, ■ retail,(gent8: AUo, hyagenUin gvery town in the country, and by A. T. Havens, Agent, BatiteCre l THE BREAI EKGLISH REMÖDY EAstliina, and Cn;ump:i :,u' coóae when Oonsump.tion m.iv bc '■' ■ ■ rom fearful lieert rónqneml ! most eldetl at last to ihe skill nf .'-. wil) speedlly nnd ■ ■t au:) rcmejv to .al. 1 was lu-st diecovcrd ' !. and has been tesie.! lor fjrcat ot' E '.pc, w'iktc it l:as Keuwdr. il intn ijié Üuiied prénlci ilence i ftb in,''.;.: Onusumption from itiou ió' te SiiKill 1'ijx., ;!:■ wurnjition - au iusun:, ! Medical re ad■!'! the m ■ ial vmk o i ui Ue iption Can Ij i cuicd. Wliereverit bas beeu ntpodaced.'all Paiaceas, E - Syj-ups bui o hpen i i:, Vnpor Bnttis. Tar■ '. &., have beifl ccjcctrd of thfi Un i n, ob■ IllllVt e and ojMtfciato ■ Li thraa, or ai) oftho i moii me in lief fmm thia GRTAT E.NGLI8H REMJJDY. :v,u ;t] otlier preltndetí Uil fctally delusivo. .IOv".v iinl!i.V : : mld be snpplinl witü Brfchan'a H .,„ of Lüe, net oulv to aptivesoi tho cljmate, but to bo I nsa prerentiw medicine in all t6soa ofÓólds, Couglls, Spittin of Blood, l':iin ii: the si4e and Clios!, Initation and lic Langs, Brom hitis, DifB.ii'v i.[' Bróatliing, Hcctic Fever, riigbt swéats, Emmnnd Ci-neral f biityAsthtnti,Iaensn,Wlwop l'nun. ' '■" ' of. Dr. Bnchau'a Balsam is tfiis- tlint ofPuluwny Consuraptioii is gives Immedincf. A ■ will rovenl itsnstniiishipg virtacs, nnd idatieu ofHeulth und Ülrenstii to thaatl: isam o-.ilv one dollar pcvbott'ir, v;'li!l f11 ': Dinsortatfon on Gensamptió'n, No1 ■ of RemnrkaWe bijrcs.&c. Fot Salo l.v A. T. HAVENS. Wew Arvaiigmciit ! LATEfi PÁTTBBX8!!! Sr T11,1' ::" '■'■ pleasurein offcrins 1;: ok of ncw and bo oud ParlorStoventkanbave '"''i'"1' IwrwjtUa '.'opper Tin I ftc, 8kc. tUe slnvo iniying community i ünatiou of our stock b SAMÜELS. BPEPEB SiajBuall Octobw ". 1 Paper. TÍIE ttJ.arai"ned wül baauppUol fi-oin the ,n l)or Nlül, witli ihe v , ,., , ■ i.) ive uamej ar' : lólupecl al plocc i Writmg, loc wull Bkals 0 vvi !,,, H;,j cash o 'i'1"' nbove n al Ihe ilioê Stora of J. du, mie door cast of the Uardwave Store of Wi E. niRKANXE, Agaat. B.ittlo Croi;;, Novranber 'J). UM7. rniIOSR IXEIVi';0i) t. tho snbscriber, vil] 11 lo rin , beftire calli ■ . Ci-osk. A K. E. OSGOO ]ir.írsíl!il UJíhj:j, Iy L. KUXGSIURy i AL ai!. Mi -i-i --i. yi-,. .',-,.■,._.!,;.■ . .- v