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The Ann Arbor Railroad has added 270 new freight cars to its equipment. Herbert G. and Charles N. Manly are about to open a high class 1 ant on E. Huron st. A forty hours' devotion will commence in St. Thomas' church next Sunday and will continue until '. day. A concert is to be given in flarris hall in the near future by the vested ; choir of St. Andrew's church for the benefit of the choir. The Arbeiter Verein expect to attend the dedicatory exercises of the new ' difcorium of the Kalamazoo society in : that city on Taesday next. The preliminary oratorical oontest to ; choose a representativa for the Ann Arbor high school in the approaching inter-bigh sohool oratorical league contest will be held Tuesday evening, ' March 1. The date for the Young Men's Republican Club banquet has been changed to Feb. 17 in ordei to ' modate a number of prominent speakers who could not be present on the later date. Saturday evening when C. J. Shetterly formally retired from the barber business he was presentad with a vahiable watch chain by a number of his old patrons, with their best wishes for his future success in life. The recital by Prof. and Mrs. T. O. Trueblood afc the M. E. church Monday evening was well attended and well received. The program was interspersed with musical selections by the Teoh Glee and Mandolín Clubs. Cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Gertrude Divine to Mr. William McClellan Ritter, on Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 3 o'clock, at St. Thomas' church, New York. They will be at home after Feb. 17, at Weloh, W. Va. Speaking of the Washtenaw Fair Sooiety the Milan Leader says: "F. E. Mills, who has proven one of the best fair managers the sooiety ever had, was re-eleoted general superintendent." Tbat is just what other people think of Mr. Mills' abilities. He lus proven hitnself the best general superintendent the sooiety ever had and has been the hardest worker. Mrs. Mary Royce died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Haight, 110 N. First st., Monday, at the advanced age of 81 years, 3 inontbs and 17 daye. She had been a great sufferer for saven years. Her former home was ia Ypsilsnti, she baving oorue to reside "with her daughter last April. Her remains were taken there for interment Weduesday afterooon. Judge Kinne beid oomt in Detroit for a few days this week. It is reportad bere tbat Lizzie Finch and Lewis Straub wore married at the bride's home yesterday. - Plymoutb Mail. The Epworth League of tbe First M. E cbnrcb is pieparing to issue a directory of the membership of tbe league and of tbe ohnroh. Tbe sewitiy '■hoool entertainment at High Sohool hall Friday eveuing, was well atteniJcn and netted a nice little som for the school. Co. A, M. N. G., will give a graud military ball at the armory Easter Monday, April 11. Gov. Pingree and staff have been invited to be preBent. W. H.McIntyre has greatly improved the appearance of his store on E. Huron st., by putting in a riew plate glass front and making other improvements. Charles A. Sauer did the job, Mrs. Mary Oswald died at the home of her daugbter Mrs. Henry Derringer on Cherry st., Thursday of last week. The remains were taken to Niágara Falls, Saturday, for intermenfc. Weiuberg's skaing park will be in oharge of the Y. Al. C. A. boys tonight. The proceeds to go towards tbe fund for the new building. There will be musió and light refreshments. Commander Bliss, of the department of Aliohigan G. A. R., in his general order No. 10 advises all posts that own property to the valne of $50 or over to have it insured against loss by iiro. The recently elected officers of the Congregational cbnrcb Y. P. S. C. E. are as follows: President, Miss J. M. Qua; vice president, Air. J. Q. Adanis; secretary, Air. Mapes; treasurer, Miss Rice. The state military department will issue to the Michigan National Guard in a few days a corabination meat can, EryiDg pau and píate, a remarkably fciaady oainp utensil. The new rubber blaukets will aiso be issued. Dr. Camden M. Cobern, of Denevr, Col., formerly pastor of the First M. E. church in tbis city, will give the uext leoture in the Wesleyan Gnild Lecture oonrse probably 011 February 6. His subject will be "Bible Etohings of Imraortality. " An informal reception will be given Monday evening next comnienoing at 8 o'olook, at the parlors of the Presbyterian church, by the executive committee of the high school association from the years 1856 to 187(3, to the pupils, residents of Ann Arbnr. It is expected that at least 250 will be present. Rev. Daniel Shepardson the wheelchair evangelist is makiug a profound inipression by his preaching at the First Baptist ohurch. He refuses to disouss dootrinal points and says he is bere to ïuake chtistians not church members. His wife wbo is an acoomplished musiciau leads the mnsical services. Among thosa in attendance at the meeting of the Grand Lodge F. & A. M. at Grand Rapids this week were the following Ann Arbor gentlemen: L. C. Goodrich, Warren W. Wadhams, W. M., W. H. Butler, .T. W., of Golden Rule Lodge, and H. G. Prettyman. W. M., Elmer E. Baal, 8. VV., and Walter T. Seabolt, J. W., of Fraternity Lodge. In the Detroit Free Press of Sunday appears an article on the life and character of the immortal Scottish bard Robert Buinsfrom the pen of one of his sincerest admirers, Judge W. D. Harriman, of this city. The artiole is handáomely illustrated with a picture of the great poet, the cottage where he lived, Alloway kirkyard and Mossgiel. There were several other artioles on Burns offered to tbe Free Press bnt Judge Harriinan's aritcle was the ouly one aooepted. The Ypsilanti Young Women's Christian Assooiation discussed the subject "The man I would not rnarry"' the other evening, about 60 members being present. It would have been more to tbe point and possibly productive of a great deal more good to some of them at least if they had disoussed "The man they would marry, " rather than "The man they would not marry,." for in 11 probabilty the mau they would not marry would have uo desire to marrv them. But then they did not give that a thougbt, perhaps. Theie is an old fable of the fox aud the grapes that ruay be peculiarly applioable in this case. W. H. Golden, of Toledo, called on Ann Albur friends Monday. Lieutenant M. L. Belser baving passed a most oreditable examination has bad his commisaion issned to hitn by the state military board. The Ann Arbor Argus has commenoed the 63d year of its pohlicaiton. It is one of the oldest and best newspapera in the state. - Milan Leadet. The faouHy and senior class of the high school are to be tendered a reoeption by Miss Bessie Brown at her home. Only once before in the history of the sohool bas snch a thing happened. Walter C. Mack and John Kooh, of Mack & Co., have been attending the Chicago and Giand Kapids fnroitnre expositions this week and purcbasing new novelties for their large store. The Y. M. C. A. has received "an addition to its library tnrongh the generosity of Judge H. Wirt Newkirk and Dr. W. J. Herdman. Contributions from others will be gratefully received. Ralph C. McAllaster left for Seattle, Waeh., Wednesday afternotn, where be expeots to lócate. His fmily will remain here uutil the snmmer. The Argus extends its best wishes to Mr. McAllaster for his fntnre prosperity in his new field of labor. The Ladies' Library Association will give a St. Valentine's sale and kettledram on Saturday, Pèb. 12, at Granger's aoadetay. A large forcé of lady patronesses will preside and fancy artioles, inoluding Valentines, will be for sale. The entertainment of the occasion will consist of a Panch and Jndy show aud in tbe evening a dance. Tuesday morning a woman's hat and handbag was foand on the bank cf the river in the fifth ward. Rumors of suicide floated aroand and preparations were in progresa to searoh the river when a colored girl appeared and olaiined the articles. She had got frigbtened the night previoos and dropped tbe things in her rapid flight 'or nome. About three weeks ago Williara Hohiler left the city, telling bis wife he was going to Detroit in searoh of work. A week ago he wrote to her that he would never return. He went from aere to Detroit, then to Wyandotte and is now in Toledo. Schiller was a millex at tbe Central milis for nine years, aut reoently lost hia job. He was treasnrer of the Sohwaben verein. The ooncert given nnder the direoion of Misa Emma Fisoher for tbe benefit of the Bethlehem obnrch in the auditorium of that edifice Thnrsday evening of last week was an exoellent entertainment. The work of tbe soloists Miss Clara Jacobs, Miss Marie Greening, Miss Elsa Liebig and Miss Plora Koch was mach admired, while tbe chorus in Mendelssobn's 72d Psalm waa particnlarly fine. Mrs. David Mowefson celebrated her 3Oth birthday Friday eveoing among a family party consisting of her danghter, two sons aud their wives.four grandsons and one granddaughter. Saveral pretty gjfts were made to her among them a bandsorne fout rug. Mrs. MowerRon has lived for 50 yeárs in the honse she dow occupies. She is well and hearty and her family and friends look for many years of life tor her yet. The Detroit Evening News is responsible for the statemeut that a oorrespondent for a Detroit paper was badly fooled the other nigbt by two stndents who "told him tbeie was to be a redbot fraternity iuitiation in an old honss two miles down the river At about 9 o'olook he hid in the loft where he could watch the lower story. He lay there till nearly ruidnigbt and got into town about 1 o'clock in the morning half frozen and sweaiing. " The Burean of Eugraving and Printing bas made the ahanges in the color of postage stamps that were deeided upon by the International Postal Congress last year, bnt the new stamps will not get into use for a month or so. It will be remembered that oongress decided that the one, two and five oent stamps of the United States shonld conform in color with the stamps of the same valne of all coontries beloiiging to the postal nuion. This wil) raake the one cent stamp green, the same tint as tlie old three cent stamp; the two oeut stamp remains vermilion, as it has been for some time, while the brown five oent stamp gives way to bine. These changes were made to ex, pedite the handling of internationa mail. Frederick W. Schoen has been commissiuned posttuaster of Biidgewater. James Kelly, of iMauohester, bas been granted an original pension of $6 per raonth. Tbfl profile of the Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor eleotrio line bas been oompleted by the engineers. Prof. R. M. Wenley will leotnre at the Oongregational ohnrob, Ypsilanti, Friday evening, Feb. 11, for the benefit of the Ladiee' Library. The Webster Sooiety gave its annoal banqnet in the Elks' hall Friday nght. Nearly 200 eDJoyed the affair. Hangsteifer did the oateiing. Satnrday's issae of the Titnes gives Judge Newkirk a new title and we présame it is now in order to address the gentleman as "Dr." B. Wirt Newkirk. The engineer's estímate of the oost of tbe four blooks of pavement on Main st. is $23,000. With the needed storm aewers the cost is estimated at $31,000. An electrio oar rao into a horse owned by Farnk Parker, on State 8t., Wednesday morning. lis leg and shoulder were broken and it had to be killed. The petition of Ann Arbor Typographical Union against the passage by congress of tb" anti-soalpers' bilis has been presented to the senate by Senator MoMilian. The degree team of Arbor Tent, K. I O. T. M., went to Saline Wednesday night and initiated five oandidates for that tent. Tbirty-fonr oaodidates afterwards took toe Oriental degiee. Robert Martin, of Superior, bronght to Ann Arbor on Wednesday a flook of 31 Shropshire spring lambs of bis own breeding, which weighed 3,450 jonnds. Daniel Sntton bought them br sh pment. The Ladies' Aid Society of the First M. E. cbnroh has invited the Methoists of Ypsilauti to a chnrob snpper on Thnrsday evening next. It is expeoted that at least 100 Ypsilantians will be in attendaDce. Booker T. Washington, the colored orator, will lectnre in the S. L. A. conrRe at University hall, tomorrow evening. After tbe lectnre tbe nine oolored students in the nniversity will tender him a banqnet. "Mort" Senter, the well known taokle on the '94 and '95 football team, is visiting at the Sigma Phi honse. He recently retarned to this oonntry from Santa Merta, United Statos of Colnmbia, where he is engaged in the ooffee growiag nusiuess. He is making a success of it. The Ann Arbor Typographioal nnion and a number of local business men sent protests to the state board of anditors against. the awarding of the state printing contract to the Adventist pnblishing house at Battle Creek, which has been such a bone of contention in Lansing dnring the last few days. Throagh the efforts of Mr. R. H. Kempf the Harmonie Mennercbor nd Ladies' Chorns of Detroit, nnder the directiou of Prof. Wm. Ynnck, of the Philharmonio Clnb, will give, with be Lyra Singing Sooiety of this oity, a oint program iti tbe near fature at the Athens Theater. It will be one of the musical events of the ybar. Masón W. VVhipple, of Cbelspa, administrator of tbe estáte of ArlieLeach, yesterday entered suit in the circuit court against the Michigan Central Railroad Co. foc $20,000 damages. Young Leacb umped frena a Michigan Central reigbt train at Essex, Canada, Sepember 37 last, and was so badly inured that be died the following month. J. T. Jacobs & Son have leased the store building No. 121 S. Main st., and are bavirig it fítted up io a neat and tasty manner. They will oncupy it as a sboe store and will pnt in a fine line of ladies', misses', children's and men's and boys' sboes. They have already received part of their stook, but their adies' shoes will uut be bere before ?eb. 35. Mr. Jacobs is an old band in the meroantile business in Ann Arbor and therefoie needs no introduction. 3is son Charles is also welJ known iaving been hom and brought np in Ann Arbor. Mr. Jacosb says they do not want to do all tbe business, but jope to do their sbare. Tbe iecood ioor will be occupied by Miss Mina Tacobs as an art studio.