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- Mr Stnithson,of Lundon, who died a few yenra since, bequealhed the handsome sum of $600,000 to the Uniled Stutes, for the estnbishmentofao institution at Washington, whose object should be the increase and rliflusion ofknowlod-ie among men"; Tlireo years pince the money arrived, and bcing ín Brilish goKi, was desposited in tlie mint nt Philadelphia, whence it was transported to Little Rock, in Arkansas, and exchanged for bonds of the State ot'Arkan=as, at par. These bonds have now sunk from par down to sixly-two per cent., ihus diminishing the value of the legacy $228,000. This loss the Federal Government Wil of course be bound to mako good. What havo wo to do with slavery? Pree American.Truef and who knows how much lower they will fall? Bonds of Indiana and 11lïtioia aYe selling in New York at 28 1-2 to 32 cents on the dollar. How many thousand dollars must Michignn contributè for her proportion of the lo?s of fhe Sm'uhsonian fund?