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- :Gov. Elisworth,in his last addresa bcforc the Connecticut Legislature, has the following remark: - Connecticut presenta a republic which secures more good nnd avoids more evil than any other political community of ancient or modern times. All the public statutes, ufter two hundred years' legislation, are conlained in a single volume, the anoual expenses do not exceed eighiy thousand dollars; the Stnto owes nothing, possessea a school fund of more than two millions of dollars well irwested, yielding an annunl income of one hundred & thirty thousand dollars.Compare this fact wilh the following. Coat. - It is stated thnt the coat in which Prince Estherhazy visited the courta ofEurope, cost over L200,000. It may not be generally known, however, that to support this extravagant expenditure, he screws the tnarrow and victutils out o,f 300000 ot his serfs, who work without intermission nll the year round, and for this incessant toil receive the miserable pittance of five sous a day, and withal think th.emselves happy if they can see the sun shine without bein: taxed for it.