â In this Slate, are 10,886school district librarieB, containing 630,000 In Now York city are L0,000 chüdren of a suitable nge, who are not at all instructed in tbepublic schools. Theie are public schools in the city, bul it is not dia- iricted liko the rest of the State. TI15 length ofrail-way communicalion in tbe State, is 747 miles. The length of Canal navigation is U03 miles. The line of rail- toad from Boston to Bntavia is 483 miles in len&th, and it will be extended to Buffalo next year. During tho last year, S0.323 boats passed one of the eastern locks, being an average ofone i u (en and a half minutes. The Senata stands 17 demócrata,! 5 whigs : tbe House 33 whig9, 95 democrotp,J"VroÃeBBOt StuarTi of Andover, some years sinec, attempted to prove ihescriptural 6anction of slavery. Tlie relation of mastor and elave, lie says, did exist, tnay exist. The abuae of it is es6ential. fundamental wrong." Now hear him on Temperance. Respecting distilled liquois, he Bays, "all use is abuse," and comes tothe conclusión, that no person should be admilted a member of Christ's Church "except on the ground of total abslineuce from the use ot intoxicatin iiquors, and from all Lralïïc in ihem." Judge Jay asks: If he who sella a gilà of the juice of the grapc, ie to be excluded from the church, is he to ba admitted who traffics in the blood of men, wennen and childixn?In order to protect 'our institutions," !ho Secretary of the Navy thinks that, in augtnenling the navy, ''we cannot safely stop ehort of half tho naval force of the strongest maritime power in tho world." nVVith Icss than tliis, our fleels would serve only to ewell the triumphs and feed the cupidily of our enemy. It is bat ter to have none at all, than to have ese than enough." "VVhat will our Northern tax-payers say to payingr a few hundred millions of dollars to keep the Britieh from landing a few black troops in the South, and thereby enoouiaging the ir property to revolt? 0Davii L. Chili, in the A.tÃ. Standard, 6ayst that out ofsomethirty speeches in Congres8 n favar of the recognition of Hayti, the rejection of Texas, the right of petition, and the abolition of slavery in the Dieirict, ooly one has come from the Democratie party,and all the rest from the ether, la the vote on Atherton's gag, Dec.28,1838, Ãie Northern Whiga who opposed the Gag, were 60: in fevor of t, 0. Northern Democrats opposed to the Gag, 12: in favor of it, 53. On tho adoption of JohnBon'a Gag, Jan. SJ8, 1840, in favor of it were, Demócrata ,15, Whigs one: majority for ils ndoption, C.(Senator Preston, of South Carolina, ie becoming ashamed of his hangman speech. He now utterly donies lmving made Uie Bpeech attributed to him, but eaya he only declared tliat if llio Abohtionists viulaled the laws of ihe State, they would punish thcni, let who would oppose. tt?The liberty vote in thia State for Lieu tenant Governor was 1205, being 41 more than wero given for Mr Fitch. The vote of the eeveral counlies has not yet been pubiishcd. OCrThe araount ot cotton raised in the louthern States in 1833 wbb 368 millions of pouodBj jn 1.839, 860 milliong of pounds.
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