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A bíll was introduccd yesterday in the Mousoof Representad ves, for the sale of the Southern Rail Toad and the incorporation of the ♦'Michigan Southern Railroud Company." The ñames incorporated into the bilí are James J. Gödfrcy, Samuel J. Holley, Ilarry V. Mann, Charles Noble, George W. Strong, Austin E. Wing, Henry Waldron, Stilmnn Blanchard, Frederick W. Macy, John Burch, Dan B. Miller, Benj. F. Fifield, VVilliam C. Sterling, Wedworth WíkIsworth, Edward Bronson, Daniel S. Ba con nnd Thomas G. Colé. The bilí provides that wilhin ten days after the passage of the act, the company shall have the right to contract with and pnrehase from the state the Southern road and all its appurtenances, shops, buildings, &c, including tlio Tecumseh branch, for the sum of .$500,000, of which sum ten thousand dollars is to be paid into l-he Trensury within ten days, and the furlhor sum of $40,000 wilhin three monthsafter the pacsoge of the net. The company have nine ycars to pay the remaining sum of $450,000, in equal 8cmi-annual instalments of twciny-five thousand dollars each, togethor with interest thercon at the rato of six per cont per annum, to bo paid scmi-onnually, and computcd froni the time wfaen the eaid sum of forty thousand dollars shall have been paid. At the time of making the payment of $40,000, the company are bound to cxecute to the state a bond, in the penal sum of one hundred thousand dollar, with sureties to bc approved by the GóvornoV, conditioncd for the payment to the state of all damages il may susj;iin from said company's noglecting or refusing toturn to the state the stoel;, matcrials, &c. of tho road, in ns good condilion and of equal value as when the same was received by said company from tho state in case of tho forfeilure of iho road to the slute, for tho non-fulfilment of the contract. We have not had on opportunity of reading tho bill, and the above hurried eynopsis of tho first two sections may not bo entirely accurate. The remaining provisions of the bilí aro umlerstood to be tnainly a copy of the bill for the sale of the Central road. The bill, we omitted to n in lbo proper place, was introduced by mr. Walker, one of the select commiltee t whom the subject of a sale of our public works was referred. - Free Press. OAmong the Old Hunker Demo-crats, a suspicion of Abolitionism is similar in its eflects to a suspicion of Leprosv auiong the Jews. According to the Mosaic law, the moment the first symptoms appeared tlie unhappy wretch was suspended from society till it could be detormined by the inspeclors whether he was infectcd with it or not ; and if found guilty, he was cut o 0' from all fcllowship and intercourse except with thosc equally contaminated with himself. We have noticed a nuinber of Democratie cases of n similar nature. We have one before us in the Indiana Tocsin, a Democratie paper of considerable ability and indopendencfi, but somewhat iincturcd wiih just]conccptions of liborty, ond a disposition to express them. These, of course, have brought the Editor inlo disrepute with his party, and to avoid being oxcommunicatedj he has been obliged lo get acertifícate of soundnossinlho shapcofthe following resolution from the inspcctors of the party, which he publishos n his paper ns an end of argument : "Resolved, Thai the Democratie Central Committec of Lo porie County, are perfectly satisfied tliat Ihe Editor of the Indiana Tocsin, is not an Abolitionist, mui that there has been no good reason for supposing hira to have been one." The most suspicious circumstance ajainst him was that he had expresscd an -abhorrence of that good old republican