There are many curious stories told of the genealogical pride of sorae of the old French nobility. In the coat of arms ofonp, Noah is represented as entering the ark, with a bundie of papers labeled " papers of the house ofCroye." Anolher represents the ancestor of a. noble duke as standing, hat in hand, before the Virgin Mary ; whosays, "Cover yourself, my cousin." But Prince Esierhazy surpasses even these in antiquity of liis ancestral line. - 'n one of his castles there is a genealogical tree of all the Easterhazies, in which t is made out as clearly as possible, that jeginning with Adam, who reclines in a very graceful attitude at the bottom of the tree, they pass through every great name, Jewish as wcll as heathen, from Moses to Attila, till they find themselves what they now are, the magnates of Hungary. Not long ago, Prince Esterïazy visited the Lord of Holkham, who exhibited to him a flock of tvvo thousand jeautifwl sheep, and inquiredif he could show as fine a flock in Hungary. "My shepherds," replied Esterhazy, "are more numerous than your sheep." This was literally true ; for there are two thousands five hundrcd shepherds on hisesate. This man has quite a little army of grenadiers under his pay, and imprisons or executes at his pleasure.
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