Boston Fire -The1 elcr says it is general ]y thought that the loss by the lire of Thursday night will â not much exceed $100,000. The pro " portion insured is very small, not more than $25,000. Messrs. B. & W. Colla. ! more had $'5000 insu ranee on their block 5 of dwelling houses on Traverse street. - i The loss of Messrs. Cheever & Smith, - nroprietors of the steam-sawing and pla, ning mili on Beverly street, was about â Ã$7500, of whicb, one third was saved. - The light of the fire wa9 seen distinctly i at Sunbury, eighteen miles from the city. Laborers are" already at work in some places in the burnt district, clearing away the ruins prep&ratory to rebuilding. QCf The Cincinnati Daily and Weekly Herald are slill coniinued since the removal of Dr. Bailey to Washington. The number of subscribers to the Weekly is but 320, and the publisliors ñnd it hard to increase the list. They say : "We begin to fear that the National Era will kill out the local papers. Certainly this will be the case, unlcss they are genernlly receiving better encouragement than we are. We are as anxious os any one for the success of the Washington paper, and would ratherrelinquish the Herald cntirely than seo it fail of a support, but at the same time the AntiSlavery cause will die just as fast as the local papers die, and the Anti-Slavery men throughout the country will find it out to their sorrow when it is too late, unless they give their local papers a vigorous support." OC?3 We are indebted to Judge Jay, of New York, for a supplement number of the N. Y. Legal OLserver, containing a full account of the trial of Geo. Kirk latcly claimed in that city as a fugitiva slave. ifek
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