"Fourteen painted murals adorn the North Lobby of the Hatcher Library. These murals, which were recently restored to their original bright colors, have been present since the building opened in 1920. The mural that faces visitors when they enter the building contains a quote from Thomas a Kempis' De Imitatione Christi. "Una vox librorum sed non omnes aeque informat." (Translation: The voice of books is one but informeth not all alike.) [15; 18]
More About the Restoration
The conservation team of Dr. Margaret Nowosielska and Christopher Woitulwicz began the restoration of the North Lobby Murals in March 2002. The lighter area on the left of the photo above shows the effects of the restoration.
The murals are fresco paintings that were commissioned when the original Hatcher structure was built in January 1920. The murals are attributed to the artist Thomas di Lorenzo. There are 14 panels, four arches, four spandrels (areas between arches), two lunettes (semicircular paintings), one frieze (decorative band), and miscellaneous ornaments that wind around the lobby. The subjects captured in the panels include animals and mythical beasts, men and women, and flowers and plants, all using the palette of teal blue, brick red, yellows, golds, and greens. [6]"