Chapter 3 | Quiet as a Mouse: An Interactive Text Adventure

Play Chapter 3 of the new interactive text adventure game from the Library: Quiet as a Mouse: Of Mice and Men!

Use your home computer to play a choose-your-own-adventure-style story, starring you! – an intrepid mouse who has to sneak into a house and get past the cat! Players can type commands in English and the game will respond, with new chapters of the story released throughout the Winter Game!

Chapter 2 | Quiet as a Mouse: An Interactive Text Adventure on AADL.TV

Play Chapter 2 of the new interactive text adventure game from the Library: Quiet as a Mouse: A Better Mousetrap!

Use your home computer to play a choose-your-own-adventure-style story, starring you! – an intrepid mouse tasked with solving a devious puzzle. Players can type commands in English and the game will respond, with new chapters of the story released throughout the Winter Game!

Missed chapter One?  It's not too late to play!