Meet Your Parks with Natural Area Preservation: March Migration

Join Natural Area Preservation as they introduce us to local parks and natural areas! This month, we will learn about migrating birds on the Sister Lakes in Dolph Nature Area. Meet at the Dolph Nature Area parking lot off of Wagner Rd. Dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes.

This event is in partnership with Natural Area Preservation.

Riso Lab

No art skills, no problem. We'll walk you through how to use analog tools to design a two-color risograph print. Following the event, participants will receive copies of their design.

Cold Weather Gear Swap

Do you have old coats or gloves that no longer fit? Looking for new cold weather gear? Come by to pick up some things that will keep you warm.

The Library will be accepting cold weather gear, including jackets, coats, hats, scarves, and gloves, at all locations untOctober 28thnt]. Please make sure that items are in good condition and freshly launderd.

We will not accept items on the day of the event. You do not need to drop items off in order to pick something up. The library does not provide bags to take items home.

Digital Wellness: Considerations for Parents & Caregivers of Teens

Calling all parents and caregivers! Join U of M professors, Dr. Liz Kolb (School of Information) Professor Kristin Fontichiaro (School of Education), Dr. Beth Sherman (School of Social Work) for an engaging discussion tailored to help navigate the digital landscape with confidence and intention. In this session, we will share what local middle school students are doing on devices, as well as the current research on mental health and screen use for teens and tweens.

AADL Board Meeting – January 27th, 2025

This meeting will be streamed on this page at 6:00 PM on Monday, January 27th, 2025 with a vote to recess to closed session.  Open session is expected to begin at 7:00 PM.

This meeting will be streamed on this page at 7:00 PM on Monday, January 27th, 2025.

You can attend this meeting in person on the 4th floor of the Downtown Library, or you can watch it live on YouTube from this page.

Toys & Games Swap

Come one, come all, and swap out your old children's toys and games for something new to you! You do not need to bring a toy or game to pick one up.

Items will be accepted at all locations until November 18. You do not need to drop items off in order to pick something up.